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Theorem 10. Any 4-connected planar graph has a planar flat visibility repre-
sentation of height at most
n/ 2
Proof. Any 4-connected planar graph has a straight-line drawing where the sum
of the width and height is at most n [14]. After possible rotation, the height is at
, and with Thms. 5 and 6 one obtains a flat visibility representation
of height at most
n/ 2
n/ 2
The best previous bound on the height of visibility representations of 4-
connected planar graphs was
3 n
Simplified Proofs: Some results are known about graphs that have planar
straight-line drawings of height h . In particular, any such graph has pathwidth
at most h [7], and there exists an algorithm that is fixed-parameter tractable in h
to test whether a graph has a straight-line drawing of height at most h [6]. By the
results in this paper a graph has a straight-line drawing of height h if and only
if it has a flat visibility representation of height h . While “simplicity of proof” is
a subjective matter, in my opinion the presentation of both of the above results
can be simplified if one shows the properties for flat visibility representations of
height h , rather than straight-line drawings.
HH-drawings: In a previous paper [19] we studied HH-drawings ,wherea
planar graph G with a vertex partition V = A
B should be drawn such that all
vertices in A have positive y -coordinates and all vertices in B have negative y -
coordinates. We gave a condition that is necessary for straight-line HH-drawings
and sucient for y -monotone poly-line HH-drawings. By the result by Pach and
Toth (Thm. 1) the condition is hence necessary and sucient for straight-line
HH-drawings. This proves:
Theorem 11. Any planar bipartite graph has a planar straight-line HH-drawing.
Testing whether a planar graph with a given partition has a planar straight-line
HH-drawing can be done in linear time.
Minimizing Heights Using Integer Programs: In a recent paper, we devel-
oped integer program (IP) formulations for many graph drawing problems where
vertices and edges are represented by axis-aligned boxes [4]. In particular, we
gave an integer program with O ( hn 2 ) variables and constraints to test whether
a graph has a bar-visibility representation (i.e., a visibility representation where
vertices are horizontal segments and all edges are vertical) that has height h .It
is not hard to modify this IP so that horizontal edges are allowed as well; then it
tests the existence of flat visibility representations of height h . Since straight-line
drawings and flat visibility representations are equivalent with respect to height,
Theorem 12. There exists an integer program with O ( hn 2 ) variables and con-
straints to test whether a graph has a planar straight-line drawing of height h.
While an algorithm was already known to test whether G has a planar drawing
of height at most h [6], its rather large run-time of O (2 32 h 3 poly( n )) means that
solving the above integer program might well be faster in practice.
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