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Repeating this for all zig-zags removes all horizontal segments with non-
integer coordinates and hence gives the desired height and a flat visibility rep-
resentation of the graph with pseudo-vertices. Any pseudo-vertex can now be
removed and replaced by a bend or line-segment, if needed, to give an orthogo-
nal drawing that satisfies all conditions.
A very similar construction converts y -monotone flat orthogonal drawings into
flat visibility representations.
Theorem 6. Any planar flat y-monotone orthogonal drawing ʓ can be trans-
formed into a planar flat visibility representation ʓ of the same height that
preserves y-coordinates and left-to-right orders.
Proof. Assume that there exists an edge e in ʓ that attaches horizontally at one
endpoint v and has bends. Since ʓ is flat, v is a horizontal segment, which can
expand until it covers the bend of e nearest to v .Afterwards e attaches vertically
at v . Repeat this until all edges with bends attach vertically at both endpoints.
If there are now no bends then the claim holds. Otherwise, let e be an edge
with bends; by the above it attaches vertically at both its endpoints. Since e
is drawn y -monotone, it attaches at the top of one endpoint and the bottom of
the other endpoint, and inbetween must have a zig-zag. As before (see Fig. 4)
such a zig-zag can be removed by shifting parts of the drawing rightwards. This
does not add height or bends. Applying this to all edges that have bends gives
a planar visibility representation.
One height-transformation among point drawings and flat drawings remains to
be studied: Can flat orthogonal drawings be made y -monotone without increasing
drawing on 6 rows, hence also (by Thm. 5) a flat orthogonal drawing on 6 rows,
but it has no y -monotone orthogonal drawing, much less one that is flat.
Summary: Combining all the above results yields that straight-line draw-
ings, y -monotone poly-line drawings, y -monotone flat orthogonal drawings and
flat visibility representations are equivalent with respect to the height of planar
drawings. 2 Poly-line drawings and flat orthogonal drawings are also equivalent,
and the former group sometimes requires strictly more height than the latter.
Width Considerations: For Thm. 1 the width may have to increase exponen-
tially (Thm. 3). For Thm. 4 the width did not increase. For Thm. 5 and 6 the
width may increase, but after eliminating all zig-zags many columns are redun-
dant : They contain no vertical edge, nor are they the only column of a vertex.
In an orthogonal drawing redundant columns can simply be deleted. One can
easily show the following:
2 Historical note: At WAOA'12 [2], I claimed that any flat visibility representation
can be transformed into a straight-line drawing of the same height directly, without
using [15]. Unfortunately the transformation in [2] is incorrect since the resulting
drawing may not be planar; details are in the full version.
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