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4 Future Research
What can we say about traditional approaches to partial planarity? More specif-
ically, can PQ -trees or SPQR -trees be used to solve this problem?
Recall that a bridge of S in G is either an edge in E ( G )
E ( S ) with both
endpoints in S (a trivial bridge) or a connected component of G
S together
with its edges and vertices of attachment to S . Given an embedding of S ,a
group of vertices of S is mutually visible [2] if there is a face of S containing all
vertices in the group on its boundary. The poly-line variant can be rephrased
as follows: is there a poly-line embedding of S so that for every bridge of S in
G , the vertices of attachment of the bridge are mutually visible? It seems quite
likely that SPQR-trees could be used to decide that question, even in linear time,
extending ideas for deciding partially embedded planarity developed in [2].
Another solution may come from progress on simultaneous embeddings, since
partial planarity can be viewed as a special case of simultaneous planarity. 2 Two
graphs G 1 , G 2 are simultaneously planar if there is a drawing of G 1
G 2 in
which the induced drawings of G 1 and G 2 are (each by itself) planar. Given a
graph G and S ,weaddedgesin S to both G 1 and G 2 . All other edges E ( G )
we subdivide 2
times, and assign the pieces along each subdivided edge
of G to G 1 and G 2 alternatingly. If G has a drawing in which all edges in S are
crossing-free, we can turn this into a simultaneous drawing of G 1 and G 2 ,since
we can assume that any two edges in E ( G )
E ( G )
S cross at most once, so every edge
has less than
crossings which we can now realize by matching up G 1 and
G 2 pieces of the subdivided edges.
E ( G )
Weak Realizability
Before we leave partial planarity, we want to draw one more connection, to the
weak realizability problem introduced by Kratochvıl [15,16]: Given a graph G
and a symmetric relation R on E ( G ), we can ask whether the abstract topological
graph ( G, R )is weakly realizable , that is, if there is a drawing in which only pairs
of edges ( e,f )
R are allowed to cross (but do not have to cross). The general
problem is NP -complete [15,23], so one could ask whether there are special cases
which are solvable. Let us shift the focus by viewing R itself as the edge set of
a graph on the vertex set E ( G ).
From this point of view, R =
corresponds to the planarity problem for
G , which can be solved in linear time. On the other hand, letting R be the
complete graph on E ( G ) leads to a trivial problem. What happens if we let R
be a complete graph on a subset E
E ( G ) of all edges of G ? It turns out that
this captures partial planarity: ( G, R ) is weakly realizable, if and only if ( G, E )
is partially planar.
This could be the starting point of an attack on weak realizability using
structural properties of R , an approach from the intersection-graph point of
view. We quickly get into uncharted waters: If R is a complete bipartite graph,
2 This is based on a suggestion by Ignaz Rutter.
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