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of G with angle at c larger than 90 degrees (such a face always exists, because c has
degree at most 3 in B ); ( ii ) merge the extrovert HV-realizations of the other blocks as
in Case 2. If B does not admit any HV-realization, then the test is clearly negative.
We now explain how to test whether a block B is HV-extrovert with respect to a
desired cutvertex c .If B is trivial (i.e., a single edge) the test is clearly positive. If B is
not trivial, then c has degree greater than 2 in G and we distinguish between two cases:
Vertex c has Degree 3 in G . In this case c has degree 2 in B .Let s and u be the two
vertices adjacent to c in B ,andlet T be the SPQ -tree of B with reference edge ( s, c ).
Execute an HV-realizability testing of B with respect to T , using the algorithm of Sec. 3.
If the test is negative, B does not have an HV-realization with c on the external face,
and we conclude that B is not HV-extrovert with respect to c . If the test is positive, there
exists an HV-realization
H B with c on the external face, butwehavetoverifythatwe
can get an HV-realization with the external angle at c greater than 90 degrees. If edges
( s, c ) and ( u,c ) have the same label (H or V), we do not need to do any additional check,
H B surely has two angles of 180 degrees at c .If( s, c ) and ( u,c ) have different labels,
let ʽ be the child-node of the root of T that does not correspond to the reference edge;
it suffices to check whether ʽ has a tuple whose spirality value satisfies the equation of
Lemma 5, with the constraint that ʱ c (i.e., ʱ t of Lemma 5) is 1 (corresponding to an
internal angle at c of 90 degrees, and hence to an external angle at c of 270 degrees).
Vertex c has degree 4 in G . If c has degree 2 in B ,thealgorithm applies the same check
as in the previous case. If c has degree 3 in B ,let e =( s, c ) and e =( u,c ) be the edges
of B incident to c with the same label (H or V), and let e =( v,c ) be the third edge
of B incident to c .Let T be the SPQ -tree of B with reference edge e =( s, c ).Note
that T has a P -node μ such that one of its poles is c and such that G μ contains both
e and e . Also, in any HV-realization that is extrovert with respect to c , e and e must
be both on the external face. Hence, to check whether B is HV-extrovert with respect
to c , we can execute an HV-realizability testing of B on tree T , using the algorithm of
Sec. 3, with the restriction that when we compute the tuple set of μ we only consider
the arrangement of its children corresponding to having e on the external face.
Aboutthecomputational complexity of the test described above, let n be the number
of vertices of G ,let B 1 ,B 2 ,...,B h be the biconnected components of G ,andlet n i
be the number of vertices of B i ( i =1 ,...,h ). Also, let
the block-cutvertex tree
,thealgorithm takes O ( n i 3 ) to test whether B i is
HV-extrovert with respect to a desired cutvertex using the algorithm of Sec. 3, as it only
needs to test the HV-realizability of B i for a suitably chosen reference edge. Also, if one
block B i is not HV-extrovert, an additional HV-realizability testing on B i is run over
of G . For each block-node v B i
all possible reference edges, spending O ( n i 4 ) time. Since i =1 ,...,h n i = O ( n ),the
overall time complexity of the algorithm is O ( n 4 ). The time complexity is reduced to
O ( n 3 log n ) if G has vertex-degree at most 3, with the same argument as in Theorem 3.
Theorem 4. Let G be an HV-graph thatisa partial2-treewith n vertices and maximum-
vertex degree four. There exists an O ( n 4 ) -time algorithm thattestswhether G admits
an HV-realizationand, if so, it computes an HV-realization of G . Also, if G has vertex-
degree at most 3 ,thetime-complexity can be reduced to O ( n 3 log n ) .
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