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Proof sketch: Let T be the SPQ -tree for a given reference edge e . We describe an
algorithm that tests whether G admits an HV-realization with e on the external face.
Let μ the current node of T when traversing T from bottom to top. Let u and w be
the poles of μ .Thealgorithm associates with μ asetof tuples , each one corresponding
to a distinct value of spirality that an HV-realization
H μ of G μ can have within an
of G . The size of the set of tuples associated with μ is O ( n ), since,
by definition, the absolute value of spirality of
H μ cannot exceed the length of the
shortest path from u to w in G μ plus one. A tuple contains a value of spirality ˃ μ and
an encoding of an embedding of G μ for which an HV-realization of G μ with spirality
˃ μ exists; this encoding describes for a P -node the cyclic order of the edges of G μ
incident to u and w (i.e., the permutation of the edges of the skeleton of μ ); if μ is
either a Q -node or an S -node, the algorithm does not keep any embedding information
for μ (because the embedding is uniquely defined). It is sufficient to keep only one
representative tuple for each possible value of spirality, since by Theorem 2 rectilinear
orthogonal representations with the same spirality are interchangeable.
If during the bottom-up visit we obtain an empty set of tuples for a node of T ,the
algorithm reports that G does not admit an HV-realization with e on the external face.
Otherwise, let ʽ be the child of the root that does not correspond to edge e ;iftheset
of tuples of ʽ has a tuple whose spirality verifies the condition of Lemma 5, then the
algorithm reports that an HV-realization of G exists; otherwise, it reports again that G
does not have an HV-realization with e on the external face. Note that, the values ʱ s
and ʱ t in Lemma 5 are uniquely determined by the H- and V-labels once the circular
ordering of the edges around s and t is decided. If the algorithm fails on T , a different
edge e is chosen and it is executed again. The tuples of Q -nodes are computed using
Lemma 6, and those of non-root P -nodes using Lemmas 3 and 4. For an S -node μ
with children μ 1 and μ 2 , based on Lemma 2, we consider all distinct values of spirality
obtained by summingup the spiralities of a tuple of μ 1 and of a tuple of μ 2 .However,
if μ 1 and μ 2 share a pole v of degree 4, the H- and V-labels on the edges incident to
v may not be compatible with some pairs of spirality values for μ 1 and μ 2 ,andthese
pairs must be discarded.
The tuple sets for all nodes of T are computed in O (
n 2 +
Q |
n +
n ) time,
denote the number of S -, P -, and Q -nodes in T , respectively.
Hence, we have O ( n 3 )-time complexity for a specific reference edgeand O ( n 4 ) over
all possible reference edges for G . If the test is positive the algorithm reconstructs an
HV-realization of G in O ( n 2 ) time, by visiting T top-down.
If G has maximum vertex-degree 3, there cannot be forbidden pairs of spirality val-
ues for the children of an S -node, and finding its possible spiralities corresponds to
computing a Cartesian sum of two sets of integers, which takes O ( n log n ) time [3].
Hence, the overall time complexity for series-parallel HV-graphs of vertex-degree at
most 3 is O ( n (
Q |
n )) = O ( n 3 log n ).
( n log n )+
n +
Testing Algorithm for Partial 2-Trees
We extend the HV-realizability testing algorithm described in the proof of Theorem 3
to simply connected graphs that do not contain rigid components. Namely, a 2 -tree is a
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