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On the Complexity of HV-rectilinear Planarity Testing
Walter Didimo 1 ,Giuseppe Liotta 1 ,andMaurizio Patrignani 2
Dept. of Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy
Dept. of Engineering, Roma Tre University, Italy
Abstract. An HV-restricted planar graph G is a planar graph with vertex-degree
at most fourandsuch that each edge is labeled either H (horizontal) or V (verti-
cal). The HV-rectilinearplanarity testing problem asks whether G admits a pla-
nar drawing where every edge labeled V is drawn as a vertical segment and every
edge labeled H is drawn as a horizontal segment. We prove that HV-rectilinear
planarity testing is NP-complete even for graphs having vertex degree at most
three, which solves an open problem posed by both Manuch et al. ( GD 2010 )and
Durucher et al. ( LATIN 2014 ). We also show that HV-rectilinear planarity can
be tested in polynomial time for partial 2-trees of maximumdegree four, which
extends a previousresult by Durucher et al. ( LATIN 2014 )about HV-restricted
planarity testing of biconnected outerplanar graphs of maximumdegree three.
When the test is positive, ouralgorithm returns an orthogonal representation of
G that satisfies the given H- and V-labels on the edges.
Let G =( V,E ) beaplanargraph with vertex-degree at most four. A rectilinearorthog-
onaldrawing ʓ of G is a planar drawing of G where each vertex v
V corresponds to
a distinct point p v of the plane and each edge ( u,v )
E corresponds to a horizontal or
vertical segment between p u and p v .If G is a planar embedded graph, i.e., a graph with
a given planar embedding (a planar embedding defines for each vertex v
V the cir-
cular order of the edges incident to v and it also specifies the external face), we assume
that a rectilinear orthogonal drawing of G preserves its embedding.If v is a vertex of a
planar embedded graph and if e 1 and e 2 are two (possibly coincident) edges of v that
are consecutive in the clockwise order around v , we say that a =
is an angle
at v of G or simply an angle of G . Two rectilinear orthogonal drawings ʓ and ʓ of
the same planar embedded graph G are shape equivalent if for any angle a of G ,the
geometric angle corresponding to a is the same in ʓ and ʓ .A rectilinearorthogonal
e 1 ,v,e 2
of a planar embedded graph G is a class of shape equivalent rectilinear
orthogonal drawingsof G ;
can be described by the embedding of G equipped with a
label for each angle of G ; the labels for an angle can be R , F , L ,or LL , corresponding
to a geometric angle of 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees, respectively.
The rectilinearplanarity testing problem asks whether a planar graph G with vertex-
degree at most four admits a rectilinear orthogonal drawing (or equivalently, a rectilin-
ear orthogonal representation). The problem can be solved in polynomial time in the
This research is supported in part by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Re-
search (MIUR) under PRIN 2012C4E3KT national research project “AMANDA - Algorith-
mics for MAssive and Networked DAta”
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