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Definition 1 (Canonical order [11]). Fo r agiven triconnected plane graph G =( V,E )
let ʠ =( P 0 ,...,P m ) be a partition of V into pathssuch that P 0 =
v 1 ,v 2 }
, P m =
v n is a path on theouter face of G .For k =0 ,...,m let G k be
thesubgraph induced by
v n }
and v 2
v 1
i =0 P i and assumeitinherits its embedding from G . Partition
ʠ is a canonicalorderof G if for each k =1 ,...,m
1 the following hold: (i) G k
is biconnected, (ii) all neighbors of P k in G k− 1 are on theouter face, of G k− 1 (iii) all
vertices of P k have atleast one neighbor in P j for some j>k . P k is called a singleton
P k |
=1 and a chain otherwise.
of a connected graph G has a B-node for each
biconnected componentof G and a C-node for each cutvertex of G .Each B-node is
connected with theC-nodes that are part of its biconnected component.
Definition 2 (BC-tree). The BC-tree
An SPQR-tree [8,5] provides information about the decomposition of a biconnected
graph into its triconnected components. Every triconnected component is associated
with a node μ in the SPQR-tree
. The triconnected component itself is referred to
as the skeleton of μ , denoted by G skel μ =( V ske μ ,E ske μ ). We refer to the degree of a
vertex v
μ in G ske μ as deg ske μ ( v ). We say that μ is an R-node ,if G ske μ is a simple
triconnected graph. A bundle of at least three parallel edges classifies μ as a P-node ,
while a simple cycle of length at least three classifies μ as an S-node . By construction
R-nodes are the only nodes of the same type that are allowed to be adjacent in
V skel
The leaves of
are formed by the Q-nodes . Their skeleton consists of two parallel
edges; one of them corresponds to an edgeof G and is referred to as realedge .The
skeleton edges that are not real are referred to as virtualedges .Avirtual edge e in G skel
corresponds to a tree node μ that is adjacent to μ in
, more exactly, to another virtual
edge e in G skel
is rooted at a Q-node. Hence, every skeleton (except
the one of the root) contains exactly one virtual edge e =( s, t ) that has a counterpart
in the skeleton of the parent node. We call this edgethe reference edge of μ denoted
by ref ( μ ). Its endpoints, s and t , are named the poles of μ denoted by
.Weassume that
P μ =
s, t
Every subtree rooted at a node μ of
induces a subgraph of G called the pertinent
graph of μ that we denote by G per μ =( V per μ ,E per μ ). We abbreviate the degree of a
node v in G per μ with deg per μ ( v ). The pertinent graph is the subgraph of G for which the
subtree describes the decomposition. The following lemmata provide useful properties
of SPQR-trees. Due to lack of space, their proofs are given in [1].
Lemma 1. Let μ be a tree node thatisnot the root in the SPQR-tree
of a sim-
ple, biconnected, k -planar graph G and μ its parentin
.For v
∈P μ ,itholds that
deg per μ ( v )
2 ,if μ is aP-oran R-node anddeg per μ ( v )
1 otherwise, i.e. μ
is an S-ora Q-node.
Lemma 2. In the SPQR-tree
of a planarbiconnected graph G =( V,E ) with deg( v )
3 for every v
V ,there exists atleast oneQ-node thatisadjacenttoaP-oran
Octilinear Drawings of 4-Planar Graphs
In this section, we focus on octilinear drawingsof4-planargraphs. We first consider the
triconnected case and then we extend it to biconnected and simply connected graphs.
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