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The hard direction in the proof of Lemma 2 is covered by the following result
from an earlier paper on the independent odd crossing number [19]. We call an
edge e in a drawing D independently even if it crosses every edge independent of
it an even number of times. More formally, i D ( e,f )
0mod2forevery f which
is independent of e .
Lemma 3 (Pelsmajer, Schaefer, Stefankoviˇc[19]). If D is a drawing of
a graph G in the plane, then G has a drawing in which the independently even
edges of D are crossing-free and every pair of edges crosses at most once.
The proof of Lemma 3 is constructive in the sense that the new drawing of G
can be found in polynomial time (there are no explicit time bounds in [19], but
a running time quadratic in O (
) seems achievable).
Proof (of Lemma 2). Suppose P ( D,F ) is solvable, and fix a solution x e,v
V ( G ), for some initial drawing D of G .Construct
adrawing D from D by performing an ( e,v )-move for every e
0 , 1
,for e
E ( G ) ,v
E ( G )and
V ( G ) for which x e,v = 1. Pick uv
F and let st
E ( G ) be an arbitrary
edge independent of uv .Then
i D ( uv,st )= i D ( uv,st )+ x uv,s + x uv,t + x st,u + x st,v 0mod2 ,
since x e,v is a solution of the system P ( D,F ). Thus uv is independently even.
Since uv was arbitrary, all edges in F are independently even, and, by Lemma 3,
there is a drawing of G in which all edges of F are free of crossings, and every
pair of edges in E ( G ) −F crosses at most once. Temporarily replace each crossing
with a vertex, and take a planar straight-line embedding of the resulting graph.
In that drawing, all edges of F are straight-line, and (after turning crossings
into bends and perturbing them slightly), all remaining edges have at most
1 bends.
For the other direction, assume G has a drawing D in which all edges of F
are free of crossings. By Lemma 1 we know that there is a set of ( e,v )-moves so
E ( G )
i D ( uv,st )+ x uv,s + x uv,t + x st,u + x st,v mod 2
for all pairs of independent edges uv , st
i D ( uv,st )
E ( G ). Now if uv
F ,then i D ( uv,st )=
0 for every edge st
E ( G ). In particular,
i D ( uv,st )+ x uv,s + x uv,t + x st,u + x st,v
i D ( uv,st )
0mod2 ,
so x e,v is a solution to P ( D,F ), which is what we had to show.
3 Geometric Partial 1-Planarity
In the straight-line version of the partial planarity problem, we ask whether for a
given G and F
E ( G ), there is a straight-line drawing of G in which the edges
of F are free of crossings. We cannot settle the complexity of this problem, but
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