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for every pair of independent edges uv,st
E ( G ). Then G is planar if and only
if P ( D ) is solvable. The heart of the proof is showing that solvability of P ( D )
leads to a planar drawing of G ; we will not explain this part (see [21, Section 3]
for a detailed discussion). The other direction is a consequence of the following
well-known fact about drawings: as far as the crossing parity between pairs of
independent edges is concerned, one can turn any drawing of a graph into any
other drawing of the graph by performing a set of ( e,v )-moves, where an ( e,v ) -
move consists of taking a small piece of e , moving it close to v and then pushing
it over v ; the effect of an ( e,v )-move is that the crossing parity between e and
any edge incident to v changes. Imagining one drawing of a graph morphing
into another, it is easy to believe that ( e,v )-moves are sucient to get from one
drawing to another. We state this result without proof. For further details see [7,
Section 4.6] or [22, Lemma 1.12].
Lemma 1. If D and D are two drawings of the same graph G, then there is a
set of ( e,v ) -moves so that
i D ( uv,st )
i D ( uv,st )+ x uv,s + x uv,t + x st,u + x st,v mod 2 ,
for all edges uv, st
E ( G ) ,wherex e,v =1 if an ( e,v ) -move is performed, and
x e,v =0 otherwise.
E ( G ), fix an arbitrary drawing D of
G , and let P ( D,F ) be the following system of equations over GF(2):
For a graph G with a set of edges F
i D ( uv,st )+ x uv,s + x uv,t + x st,u + x st,v
0mod2 ,
for every pair of independent edges uv
F and st
E ( G ).
Lemma 2. G has a drawing ʓ in which F is free of crossings if and only if
P ( D,F ) is solvable.
Since the solvability of a linear system of equations over a field (in this case
GF(2)) can be decided in polynomial time, the following corollary is immediate.
Corollary 1. Given a graph G with a set of edges F
E ( G ) , it can be decided
in polynomial time whether G has a drawing in which all edges in F are free of
crossings. In such a drawing we can assume that edges in F are straight-line,
and each edge in E ( G )
F has at most
E ( G )
1 bends.
The running time of the algorithm is on the order O (( nm ) 3 ), where n =
V ( G )
and m =
, since systems of linear equations over a field can be solved in
cubic time, and P ( D,F ) can have as many as O ( nm ) equations and O ( nm )
variables (note that we can assume that
E ( G )
= O ( n ): if the graph ( V ( G ) ,F )is
not planar, then there is no drawing of G in which all edges of F are free of
crossings; on the other hand, we cannot assume that G is planar). This may
seem impractical at a first glance, but recent experiments with an algorithm of
this type have been quite successful [11].
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