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possible. To be more specific, we can define new face weights w via the following
algorithm: Initialize w = w . While some ʴ i is greater than the average ʴ ,remove
1 from a maximum weight face of Δ i and add 1 to a minimum weight face in a
region Δ j whose weight is less than the average.
This completes the description of ʓ and ʓ . It remains to show that the three
linear morphs are planar. The morphs
only involve changes
to the weight distribution so they are planar by Lemma 4. Consider the linear
. The two drawings differ by a flip of a separating triangle. They
have the same weight distribution w which satisfies ʴ 1 = ʴ 2 = ʴ 3 . By Lemmas 9,
and 10 no interior face of T
| C collapses during the morph. By Theorem 7 no face
of T
C collapses during the morph. Thus
defines a planar morph.
Identifying Weighted Schnyder Drawings
In this section we give a polynomial time algorithm to test if a given straight-line
planar drawing ʓ of triangulation T is a weighted Schnyder drawing. The first
step is to identify the Schnyder wood. A recent result of Bonichon et al. [4] shows
that, given a point set P with triangular convex hull, a Schnyder drawing on
P is exactly the “half- ʘ 6 -graph” of P , which can be computed eciently. Thus,
given drawing ʓ , we first ignore the edges and compute the half- ʘ 6 graph of
the points. If this differs from ʓ , we do not have a weighted Schnyder drawing.
Otherwise, the half- ʘ 6 graph determines the Schnyder wood S . We next find
the face weights. We claim that there exists a unique assignment of (not neces-
sarily positive) weights w on the faces of T such that ʓ is precisely the drawing
obtained from S and w as described in (1). Furthermore, w can be found in
polynomial time by solving a system of linear equations in the 2 n
5 variables
w ( f ) ,f
( T ). The equations are those from (1). The rows of the coecient
matrix are the characteristic vectors of R i ( v ) ,i
,v an interior vertex of
T , and the system of equations has a solution because the matrix has rank 2 n
1 , 2 , 3
This was proved by Felsner and Zickfeld [10, Theorem 9]. (Note that their the-
orem is about coplanar orthogonal surfaces; however, their proof considers the
exact same set of equations and Claims 1 and 2 give the needed result.)
8 Conclusions and Open Problems
We have made a first step towards morphing straight-line planar graph drawings
with a polynomial number of linear morphs and on a well-behaved grid. Our
method applies to weighted Schnyder drawings. There is hope of extending to
all straight-line planar triangulations. The first author's thesis [3] gives partial
progress: an algorithm to morph from any straight-line planar triangulation to
a weighted Schnyder drawing in O ( n ) steps—but not on a nice grid.
It might be possible to extend our results to general (non-triangulated) pla-
nar graphs using Felsner's extension [8,9] of Schnyder's results. The problem of
eciently morphing planar graph drawings to preserve convexity of faces is wide
open—nothing is known besides Thomassen's existence result [18].
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