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Next we consider the faces interior to C that share an edge or vertex with C .
We show that no such face collapses, provided that the weight distribution w
satisfies ʴ 1 = ʴ 2 = ʴ 3 where we use ʴ 1 , ʴ 2 and ʴ 3 to denote ʴ 1 ( yz ), ʴ 2 ( xy ) and
ʴ 3 ( xz ) respectively.
Lemma 10. Let w be a weight distribution for the interior faces of T such that
ʴ 1 = ʴ 2 = ʴ 3 .Nointeriorfaceof T
| C incident to an exterior vertex of T
| C
collapses during
Proof sketch. We examine separately the case where the interior face is incident
to the edge xy of C and the case where the interior face is only incident to the
vertex x of C . The other cases follow by analogous arguments.
Consider the case of an interior face bxy incident to edge xy . Suppose by
contradiction that at time r
[0 , 1] during the morph the face collapses with
b r
lying on segment x r y r ,say b r =(1
s ) x r + sy r
[0 , 1].We
use formula (2) and Lemma 8 to re-write this equation. Some further algebraic
manipulations (details in the long version) show that there is no solution for r .
The case of a face involving vertex x and two interior vertices is similar.
for some s
We are now ready to prove the main result of this section.
Theorem 11. Let T be a planar triangulation and let S and S be two Schny-
der woods of T such that S is obtained from S by flipping a counterclock-
wise cyclically oriented separating triangle C = xyz in S .Let ʓ and ʓ be
weighted Schnyder drawings obtained from S and S , respectively, with uniform
weight distribution. Then there exist weighted Schnyder drawings ʓ and ʓ on a
(6 n
(6 n
15) integer grid such that each of the following linear morphs
, and
is planar:
Proof. Our aim is to define the planar drawings ʓ and ʓ . Each one will be
realized in a grid that is three times finer than the (2 n − 5) × (2 n − 5) grid,
i.e., in a (6 n− 15) × (6 n− 15) grid with weight distributions that sum to 6 n− 15.
Under this setup, the initial uniform weight distribution u takes a value of 3 in
each interior face.
Drawings ʓ and ʓ will be the weighted Schnyder drawings obtained from S
and S respectively with a new weight distribution w .Weuse Δ 1 , Δ 2 and Δ 3
to denote the regions Δ 1 ( yz ), Δ 2 ( xy ) and Δ 3 ( xz ) respectively, in S .Weuse ʴ i
and ʴ i to denote the weight of Δ i ,i =1 , 2 , 3 with respect to the uniform weight
distribution and the new weight distribution w , respectively.
We will define w so that ʴ 1 , ʴ 2 , and ʴ 3 all take on the average value ʴ :=
( ʴ 1 + ʴ 2 + ʴ 3 ) / 3. The idea is to remove weight from faces in a region of above-
average weight, and add weight to faces in a region of below-average weight. The
new face weights must be positive integers. Note first that ʴ is an integer. Note
secondly that ʴ>ʴ i / 3 for any i since the other ʴ j 's are positive. Thus ʴ i
ʴ< 3 ʴ i .
This means that we can reduce ʴ i to the average ʴ without removing more than
2 weight units from any face (of initial weight 3) in any region. There is more
than one solution for w , but the morph might look best if w is as uniform as
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