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Shurazhsky and Gotsman [17]. However, their method suffers the same draw-
backs as Tutte's graph drawing method, namely that vertices and edges may
come very close together. Our intermediate drawings lie on a 6 n
6 n grid where
vertices are at least distance 1 apart and face areas are at least
2 .
Not all straight-line planar triangulations are weighted Schnyder drawings,
but we can recognize those that are in polynomial time. The problem of extending
our result to all straight-line planar triangulations remains open. There is partial
progress in the first author's thesis [3].
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 contains the relevant background
on Schnyder woods. Section 3 contains the precise statement of our main result,
and the general outline of the proof. In Section 4 we show that changing face
weights corresponds to a linear morph. Flips of facial triangles are handled in
Section 5 and flips of separating triangles are handled in Section 6. In Section 7
we explore which drawings are weighted Schnyder drawings.
1.1 Definitions and Notation
Consider two drawings ʓ and ʓ of a planar triangulation T .A morph between
ʓ and ʓ is a continuous family of drawings of T ,
} t∈ [0 , 1] , such that ʓ 0 = ʓ
and ʓ 1 = ʓ .Wesayaface xyz collapses during the morph t
ʓ t
} t∈ [0 , 1] if there
is t ∈ (0 , 1) such that x, y and z are collinear in ʓ t . We call a morph between ʓ
and ʓ planar if ʓ t is a planar drawing of T for all t ∈ [0 , 1].Notethatamorph
is planar if and only if no face collapses during the morph. We call a morph
linear if each vertex moves from its position in ʓ 0 to its position in ʓ 1 along a
line segment and at constant speed. Note that each vertex may have a different
speed. We denote such a linear morph by
ʓ 0 1
Throughout the paper we deal with a planar triangulation T with a distin-
guished exterior face with vertices a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 in clockwise order. The set of interior
faces is denoted
( T ). A 3-cycle C whose removal disconnects T is called a sep-
arating triangle , and in this case we define T
| C to be the triangulation formed
by vertices inside C together with C as the exterior face, and we define T
C to
be the triangulation obtained from T by deleting the vertices inside C .
2 Schnyder Woods and Their Properties
A Schnyder wood of a planar triangulation T with exterior vertices a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 is
an assignment of directions and colours 1, 2, and 3 to the interior edges of T
such that the following two conditions hold.
(D1) Each interior vertex has three outgoing edges and they have colours 1, 2, 3
in clockwise order. All incoming edges in colour i appear between the two
outgoing edges of colours i
1 and i +1(index arithmetic modulo 3).
(D2) At the exterior vertex a i , all the interior edges are incoming and of colour
i .
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