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set of x -coordinates of vertices of G and add an extra “half” x -coordinate at the
midpoint between any two consecutive coordinate values. Subdivide each edge of
G by adding vertices at all the x -coordinates in this set. The same subdivisions
can be made in any flat folding of G , so there is no change to the existence or
number of flat foldings. The subdivision does change the set of touching pairs,
but two edges of the original graph form a touching pair if and only if two of
the edges in the paths they are subdivided into form a touching pair, so the
correctness of the part of the theorem about touching pairs carries over.
With G subdivided in this way, we carry out the proof by induction on the
number of face angles that are assigned to be 360 ( mountain folds ). The base
case of the induction is the case in which G has only two such angles, on the outer
face. In this case every cycle consists of two paths of increasing x -coordinates and
has a unique flat folding, and it is easy to see that G has a flat folding with the
same touching pairs. (Equivalently, the graph in this case is a directed st -plane
graph so it is upward planar with each face drawn as two upward paths.)
If G contains a vertex v , and an interior face f in which v is a mountain fold,
then let e be one of the two edges of f incident to v , the one that is uppermost
in the magnified view of the flat folding edge corresponding to these two edges,
and let e be the edge immediately above that one. Edge e must exist, because if
e were the topmost edge in this magnified view, then f would necessarily be the
exterior face. (For example, in Figure 6, vertex g is a mountain fold in a cycle;
edge bg is the uppermost edge incident to g ;and bc is the edge immediately
above it.) Let v be the endpoint of e whose x -coordinate is the same as v .We
form a graph G by identifying v with v , ordering the edges of the combined
super-vertex so that e and e remain consecutive. This produces a graph, not a
multigraph, because the other endpoints of e and e are subdivision points at a
“half” x -coordinate, and so cannot coincide with each other. (In the example, we
would identify vertices g and c ; the figure does not show the extra subdivision
points.) This vertex identification reduces the number of mountain folds by one
compared with G , and splits f into two simpler faces f 1 and f 2 . The same split
operation can be done to the flat folding of f , giving flat foldings of f 1 and f 2 .
Thus, G meets the conditions of the theorem and has fewer mountain folds; by
induction it has a flat folding realizing all the touching pairs of its face foldings,
which are the same as the touching pairs of the face foldings of G .Inthisflat
folding, the supervertex of G formed from v and v can be split back into the
two separate vertices v and v , giving the desired flat folding of G .
The case when there exist three or more mountain folds on the exterior face
is similar, but we must be more careful in our choice of v . Each mountain folded
vertex on the exterior face is either a local minimum or local maximum of x -
coordinates; because there are three or more of them, we may choose v to be a
vertex that is not a unique global extremum. Then, as above, we find a vertex
v with the same coordinate, above or below v ,andmerge v and v into a single
vertex, giving a graph G with fewer mountain folds in which the outer face has
been split into two faces, one outer and one inner. As before, these two faces
inherit a flat folded state from the given flat folding of the outer face of G ,soby
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