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Fig. 1. (a) A graph G =( V,E )with R = {a,d,e,f} which is ˁ -column planar for
ˁ = {d ₒ 1 ,a ₒ 2 ,e ₒ 3 ,f ₒ 4 } . (b-c) Two assignments of y -coordinates to the
vertices R and corresponding plane straight-line completions of G .
G . Estrella-Balderrama, Fowler and Kobourov [10] originally introduced ULP
graphs and characterized ULP trees in terms of forbidden subgraphs. Fowler
and Kobourov [12] extended this characterization to general ULP graphs. ULP
graphs are exactly the graphs that admit a simultaneous geometric embedding
with a monotone path: this was the original motivation for studying them.
In this paper we introduce the notion of column planarity of a subset R of the
vertices V of a graph G =( V,E ). Informally, we say that R is column planar in
G if we can assign x -coordinates to the vertices in R such that any assignment
of y -coordinates to them produces a partial embedding that can be completed to
a plane straight-line drawing of G . Column planarity is both a relaxation and a
strengthening of unlabeled level planarity. It is a relaxation since it applies only
toasubset R of the vertices and a strengthening since the requirements on R
are more strict than in the case of unlabeled level planarity.
More formally, for R
V ,wesaythat R is column planar in G =( V,E )
if there exists an injection ˁ : R
such that for all ˁ-compatible injections
ʳ : R
is embedded at ( ˁ ( v ) ( v )). Injection ʳ is ˁ -compatible if the combination of ˁ
and ʳ does not embed three vertices on a line. Clearly, if R is column planar in
G then any subset of R is also column planar in G .Wesaythat R is ˁ-column
planar when we need to emphasize the injection ˁ (see Fig. 1 for an example).
If R = V is column planar in G then G is ULP since column planarity implies
the existence of one assignment of x -coordinates to vertices that will produce a
planar embedding for all assignments of y -coordinates, while to be a ULP graph
the x -coordinate assignment may depend on the y -coordinate assignment. In
this sense, column planarity of V is strictly more restrictive than unlabeled level
planarity of G . Di Giacomo et al. [8] study column planarity under a different
name. Specifically, they define EAP graphs as the graphs G =( V,E )where V
is column planar in G . They consider a family of graphs called fat caterpillars
and prove that these are exactly the EAP graphs.
As mentioned above, the study of ULP was originally motivated by simulta-
neous geometric embedding, a concept introduced by Brass et al. [4]. Formally,
given two graphs G 1 =( V,E 1 )and G 2 =( V,E 2 ) on the same set of n vertices,
they defined a simultaneous geometric embedding (SGE) of G 1 and G 2 as an
, there exists a plane straight-line embedding of G where each v
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