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Proof: By Lemma 2, it is possible to construct in O (
2 ) time a level-connected in-
stance ( V ,E ,T ) of CL-P LANARITY that is cl-planar if and only if ( V,E,ʳ,T )
is cl-planar, with
V |
= O (
2 ). By Lemma 3, it is possible to construct in O (
V |
time a proper instance ( V ,E ,
-level planar
if and only if ( V ,E ,T ) is cl-planar. Finally, by Theorem 3, it is possible to test in
O (
T ) of T -L EVEL P LANARITY that is
V |
2 ) time whether ( V ,E ,
T ) is
-level planar.
4 Open Problems
Several problems are opened by this research:
1. The algorithms for testing level planarity [10] and for testing cl-planarity for level-
connected proper hierarchies [9] both have linear-time complexity. Althoughour
algorithms solve more general problems than the ones above, they are less efficient.
This leaves room for future research aiming at improving our complexity bounds.
2. Our
-hardness result on the complexity of CL-P LANARITY exploits a cluster
hierarchy whose depth is linear in the number of vertices of the underlyinggraph.
Does the
-hardness hold if the cluster hierarchy is flat?
3. The
-hardness of CL-P LANARITY is, to the best of our knowledge, the first
hardness result for a variation of the clustered planarity problem in which none
of the c-planarity constraints is dropped. Is it possible to use similar techniques to
tackle the problem of determining the complexity of C LUSTERED P LANARITY ?
Acknowledgments. Work partially supported by ESF EuroGIGA GraDR, by the Aus-
tralian Research Council (grant DE140100708), by the MIUR project AMANDA “Al-
gorithmics for MAssive and Networked DAta”, prot. 2012C4E3KT 001, and by EU
FP7STREP ”Leone: From Global Measurements to Local Management”, no. 317647.
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2. Angelini, P., Di Battista, G., Frati, F., Patrignani, M., Rutter, I.: Testing the simultaneous
embeddability of two graphs whose intersection is a biconnected or a connected graph. J. of
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3. Angelini, P., Da Lozzo, G.: Deepening the relationship between SEFE and C-planarity. CoRR
abs/1404.6175 (2014)
4. Angelini, P., Da Lozzo, G., Neuwirth, D.: On some NP -complete SEFE problems. In: Pal,
S.P., Sadakane, K. (eds.) WALCOM 2014. LNCS, vol. 8344, pp. 200-212. Springer, Heidel-
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5. Blasi us, T., Kobourov, S.G., Rutter, I.: Simultaneous embedding of planar graphs. In: Tamas-
sia, R. (ed.) Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization. CRC Press (2013)
6. Blasius, T., Rutter, I.: Disconnectivity and relative positions in simultaneous embeddings. In:
Didimo, W., Patrignani, M. (eds.) GD 2012. LNCS, vol. 7704, pp. 31-42. Springer, Heidel-
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7. Blasius, T., Rutter, I.: Simultaneous PQ-ordering with applications to constrained embedding
problems. In: Khanna, S. (ed.) SODA, pp. 1030-1043. SIAM (2013)
8. Eades, P., Feng, Q.W., Lin, X., Nagamochi, H.: Straight-line drawing algorithms for hierar-
chical graphs and clustered graphs. Algorithmica 44(1), 1-32 (2006)
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