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Fig. 4. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 2. (a) Instance ( V,E,γ,T ) with flat hierarchy con-
taining clusters μ , μ ,and μ . (b) Insertion of dummy vertices in ( V,E,γ,T ) to obtain
( V ,E ,T ). (c) Level-connected instance ( V ,E ,T ) obtained from ( V ,E ,T ).
2 ) -time algorithm that decides whether a proper
instance ( V,E,ʳ,T ) of T -L EVEL P LANARITY is
Theorem 3. There exists an O ( |V |
-level planar.
Proof: The statement follows from Lemma 1 and from the existence of a quadratic-time
algorithm [7] that decides whether an instance
of SEFE-2 such that G 1 and
G 2 are 2-connected and the common graph G is connected admits a SEFE.
G 1 , G 2
In the following we show how to test in polynomial time the existence of a cl-planar
drawing for a proper instance ( V,E,ʳ,T ) of CL-P LANARITY .
A proper cl-graph ( V,E,ʳ,T ) is μ -connected between twolevels V i and V i +1 if
there exist two vertices u
V μ
V i and v
V μ
V i +1 such that edge ( u,v )
E .For
acluster μ
T ,let ʳ min ( μ )=min
V i
V μ
and let ʳ max ( μ )=max
V i
V μ
. A proper cl-graph ( V,E,ʳ,T ) is level- μ -connected if it is μ -connected
between levels V i and V i +1 for each i = ʳ min ( μ ) ,...,ʳ max ( μ )
1. A proper cl-graph
( V,E,ʳ,T ) is level-connected if it is μ -level-connected for each cluster μ
T .
Ourstrategy consists of first transforming a proper instance of CL-P LANARITY into
an equivalent level-connected instance, and then transforming such a level-connected
instance into an equivalent proper instance of T -L EVEL P LANARITY .
Lemma 2. Let ( V,E,ʳ,T ) be a proper instance of CL-P LANARITY .An equivalent
level-connected instance ( V ,E ,T ) of CL-P LANARITY whose size is quadratic
in thesizeof ( V,E,ʳ,T ) can be constructed in quadratic time.
Proof: The construction of ( V ,E ,T ) consists of two steps. See Fig.4.
In the first step we turn ( V,E,ʳ,T ) into an equivalent instance ( V ,E ,T ).
Initialize V = V , E = E ,and T = T . For each i =1 ,...,k and for each vertex
V i ,set ʳ ( u )=3( i
1) + 1. Then, for each i =1 ,...,k
1, consider each edge
E such that ʳ ( u )= i and ʳ ( v )= i +1; add two vertices d u and d v to V ,and
replace ( u,v ) in E with edges ( u,d u ), ( d u ,d v ),and( d v ,v ).Set ʳ ( d u )=3( i
( u,v )
and ʳ ( d v )=3 i . Finally, add d u ( d v )to T as a child of the parent of u (of v )in T .
We prove that ( V ,E ,T ) is equivalent to ( V,E,ʳ,T ).
Suppose that ( V,E,ʳ,T ) admits a cl-planar drawing ʓ ; a cl-planar drawing ʓ of
( V ,E ,T ) is constructed as follows. Initialize ʓ = ʓ . Scale ʓ upbyafactor
of 3 and vertically translate it so that the vertices in V 1 lie on line y =1.Afterthe
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