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edges. G k is a minor of G and, for i<k , G i is a minor of a graph obtained from
G i +1 by contracting an edge incident to s i .
For i =2 ,...,k :
- G i [ S i ] is a maximal simple subgraph of G i +1 [ S i ]; therefore tw( G i +1 [ S i ]) =
by Fact 2.
- G i [ S i ] is obtained from G i [ S i− 1 ] by the subdivision of an edge (by s i )orthe
addition of a leaf vertex ( s i ); therefore tw( G i [ S i ]) = max
1 , tw ( G i [ S i ])
1 , tw ( G i [ S i− 1 ])
Facts 1 and 3.
By induction and the fact that a graph with a single vertex has treewidth 0, the
lemma follows.
Lemma 2.
5 .
Proof. We show, equivalently, that the procedure deletes at most 5 vertices by
amortized analysis. For each vertex that we delete we incur a charge of
5. For
each edge that we contract (incident to a degree-1 or -2 vertex), remove (as a
self-loop or parallel edge) or delete (by way of deleting an adjacent vertex) we
incur a charge of +1. Note that we distinguish between deleting and removing
an edge for the purpose of this analysis. We will show that the net charge is
positive, thus showing that for every 5 edges of the graph, we delete at most one
The first case of the algorithm, in which an edge is contracted, incurs only
a positive charge. There are three remaining cases in which a vertex is deleted,
according to the degree of the deleted vertex and whether it is adjacent to a
degree 3 vertex.
Deleting a degree-3 vertex from a 3-regular graph. Deleting such a vertex
incurs a charge of +3
2 but creates three degree-2 vertices. At least one
edge incident to each of these will be contracted (or removed) for a total charge
of +3. Therefore, before another vertex is deleted, the net charge for deleting
this vertex is at least +1.
Deleting a degree-4 vertex adjacent to a degree-3 vertex. Deleting such
avertex v incurs a charge of +4
1 but creates at least one vertex u
of degree 2; an edge incident to u will be contracted before another vertex is
deleted. The net charge for deleting v is at least 0.
Deleting a degree-4 vertex from a 4-regular graph. Deleting such a vertex
incurs a charge of +4
1. After this case happens, the remaining graph will
have at least four degree-3 vertices, and will continue to have a nonzero number
of both degree-3 and degree-4 vertices until either the graph becomes 4-regular
again (by reducing the degree-3 vertices to degree-2 and contracting them away)
or all degree-4 vertices have been removed. We consider the following sub-cases
for the steps of the algorithm that either return to a 4-regular state or eliminate
all degree-4 vertices:
(a) If the graph becomes 4-regular again, it can only be after removing a degree-
4 vertex adjacent to four degree-3 vertices, followed by four contractions of
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