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Lemma 1 ([9]). For every 0
3 , if a graph can be drawn as a topological
graph such that each of its edges is crossed at most k times, then in a drawing
with that property and the least number of crossings every pair of edges intersects
at most once.
Let G be a graph and let D be a drawing of G as a topological graph. Let D
be a drawing of G as a topological graph with the least number of crossings such
that every pair of crossing edges in D are also crossing in D . The following is
implied by the proof of Theorem 3.2 in [15].
Lemma 2. There is no pair of edges e and e in D such that there are two
crossing points between them that are consecutive along e.
Lemma 3. If every edge in D (and hence in D ) is crossed by at most k edges,
then every edge in D contains fewer than 2 k crossing points with other edges.
3 Proof of Theorem 4
Recall that we wish to show that e k ( n )
( k +3)( n
2), for 0
3. That
is, for every 0
3, if a graph G with n> 2 vertices can be drawn such that
each of its edges crosses at most k edges (possibly several times), then G has at
most ( k +3)( n
2) edges. Theorem 3 (due to Pach and Toth) yields this edge
bound for k
3, but under the stronger assumption that each edge is crossed
at most k times. As we see in the next section, for k
2, the assumption is not
really stronger, so that we can use Theorem 3 for these cases (though for k =0
and k = 1 direct proofs are easier). For k =3weneedamoresophisticated
discharging argument, detailed in Section 3.2.
3.1 The Local Pair-Crossing Number and Bounding e k
for k ≤ 2
The local crossing number ,lcr( G ), of a graph G is the smallest k so that G can
be drawn with at most k crossings per edge. The local pair-crossing number ,
lpcr( G ), is the smallest k so that G has a drawing in which each edge is crossed
by at most k other edges. By definition, lpcr( G )
lcr( G ). Following the hints
in [14], it is possible to construct a graph G for which lpcr( G )=4andlcr( G )=5,
therefore, the two local crossing numbers differ. This is in marked contrast to the
pair crossing number, which we cannot at this point separate from the standard
crossing number.
Theorem 5. If lpcr( G )
2 ,then lpcr( G )=lcr( G ) .
This leaves open the question whether equality holds for lpcr( G )=3.We
believe a counterexample is possible, implying that we cannot take the easy
route via the local crossing number to establish the bound of e 3 .
Proof. The statement is immediate for lpcr( G ) = 0 (by definition), and follows
from Lemma 2 for lpcr( G )
1. Therefore, suppose that G is a graph with
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