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Rule +: adjacent crossings are not allowed.
Rule -: adjacent crossings are allowed but not counted.
Rule 0: adjacent crossings are allowed and counted (this is the default rule).
Clearly, pcr ( G )
cr + ( G )=cr( G ) for every graph
G . On the other hand, it is known [7] that cr( G )= O (pcr( G ) 3 / 2 log 2 pcr( G )),
and it follows from the results in [13] that cr( G )
pcr( G )
pcr + ( G )
2 . Perhaps the
main related open problem is to determine whether there is a graph G for which
pcr( G ) < cr( G ).
The following lower bound on the crossing number was proved by Ajtai,
Chvatal, Newborn, Szemeredi [4] and, independently, by Leighton [6].
2 pcr ( G )
Theorem 1 ([4,6]). There is an absolute constant c> 0 such that for every
graph G with n vertices and m
c m 3
n 2 .
This celebrated result is known as the Crossing Lemma and has numer-
ous applications in combinatorial and computational geometry, number theory,
and other fields of mathematics. The Crossing Lemma is tight, apart from the
multiplicative constant c . This constant was originally small, and later was
shown to be at least 1 / 64
4 n edges we have cr ( G )
0 . 0156, by a very elegant probabilistic argu-
ment due to Chazelle, Sharir, and Welzl [3]. Pach and Toth [10] proved that
0 . 0296
7 . 5 n ). Their
lower bound was later improved by Pach, Radoicic, Tardos, and Toth [9] to
1 / 33 . 75
0 . 09 (the lower bound applies for m
16 n ). Recently, Ackerman [1]
1024 / 31827
1 / 31 . 1
0 . 0321 (when m
29 (when m
further improved the lower bound to c
6 . 95 n ).
Pach et al. [9] pointed out that the original proofs of the Crossing Lemma gen-
eralize to the pair-crossing number, yielding pcr( G )
64 |E ( G ) |
2 when
E ( G )
V ( G )
. They also remarked that they were unable to extend their lower bound
on the crossing number to the pair-crossing number. Our main result is the
V ( G )
Theorem 2. For every graph G with n vertices and m
6 . 75 n edges we have
2 6
3 7 m 3
m 3
34 . 2
pcr + ( G )
n 2 .
All the above-mentioned improvements for the crossing number were obtained
using the same approach, namely, by showing that a sparse graph has an edge
that is involved in several crossings. Denote by e k ( n ) the maximum number of
edges in a topological graph with n> 2 vertices in which every edge is involved
in at most k crossings. Let e k ( n ) denote the same quantity for simple topological
graphs. It follows from Euler's Polyhedral Formula that e 0 ( n )
n 2
3 n
6. Pach and
4 . 108 kn and also gave the following better bounds
Toth showed that e k ( n )
for k
Theorem 3 ([10]). e k ( n )
( k +3)( n
2) for 0
4 . Moreover, these
bounds are tight when 0
2 for infinitely many values of n.
Pach et al. [9] observed that the upper bound in Theorem 3 applies also for
not necessarily simple topological graphs when k
3, and proved a better bound
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