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as straight line segments they do not cross. Topologically, the circle and the half-
plane are equivalent, so a graph is outerplanar if and only if it has a crossing-free
1-page drawing. For incorporating a test of outerplanarity into methods using
Courcelle's theorem, it is convenient to use a standard characterization of the
outerplanar graphs by forbidden minors:
Lemma 3 (Chartrand and Harary [7]). A graph G is outerplanar ( 1 -page
planar) if and only if it contains neither K 4 nor K 2 , 3 as a minor.
Lemma 4 (Corollary 1.15 in [10]). Given any fixed graph H there exists a
MSO 2 -formula ˆ such that, for all graphs G, G
= ˆ if and only if G contains
H as a minor. We will write minor H for ˆ.
be the formula
¬ minor K 4 ∧¬ minor K 2 , 3 . Then Lemma 3
implies that, for all graphs G , G
if and only if G is outerplanar.
Because outerplanar graphs have bounded treewidth (at most two), Courcelle's
theorem together with Lemma 4 guarantee the existence of a linear time algo-
rithm for testing outerplanarity. There are of course much simpler linear time
algorithms for testing outerplanarity [18,25].
Crossings vs Treewidth. Next, we relate the natural parameter for 1-page crossing
minimization (the number of crossings) to the parameter for Courcelle's theo-
rem (the treewidth). This relation will allow us to construct a fixed-parameter-
tractable algorithm for the natural parameter.
Lemma 5. Every graph G has treewidth O ( cr 1 ( G )) .
See the full version of this paper ( arXiv:1408.6321) for the proof.
Logical Characterization. Let G be a graph with bounded 1-page crossing num-
ber, and consider a drawing of G achieving this crossing number. Then the set
of crossing edges of the drawing partitions the halfplane into an arrangement
of curves, and we can partition G itself into the subgraphs that lie within each
face of this arrangement. Each of these subgraphs is itself outerplanar, because
it lies within a subset of the halfplane (with its vertices on the boundary of the
subset) and has no more crossing edges; see Figure 1. This intuitive idea forms
the basis for the following characterization of the 1-page crossing number, which
we will use to construct an MSO 2 -formula for the property of having a drawing
with low crossing number.
Lemma 6. A graph G =( V,E ) has cr 1 ( G )
k if and only if there exist edges
with = O ( k ) ,
and a partition U 0 ,...,U of V \ W into (possibly empty) subsets, satisfying the
following properties:
F =
e 0 ,...,e r }
with r = O ( k ) , vertices W =
v 0 ,...,v }
1. W is the set of vertices incident to edges in F.
2. F contains all edges in the induced subgraph on W.
3. There are no edges between U i and U j for i
= j.
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