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Proof. Let H beaouter-fan-planar graph and let three consecutive vertices v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 in-
duce a triangle. Assume, we want to insert a vertex v adjacent to v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 . By Lemma 6,
we have to insert v between v 1 and v 2 or between v 2 and v 3 . Note that the edges that
are incident to v 2 and cross
arealsocrossedbyanedge e incident to v .So,if
there is an edgeincidentto v 2 that was already crossed twice before inserting v ,this
would uniquely determine whether e is incident to v 1 or v 3 and, thus, where to insert v .
We will now show that after the first insertion each relevant vertex is incident to an
edge that is crossed at least twice. When we insert the first vertex we create a K 4 .From
the second vertex on, whenever we insert a new vertex, it is incident to an edgethatis
crossed at least twice. Also, after inserting the second degree 3 vertex, three among the
four vertices of the initial K 4 are also incident to an edgethatiscrossedatleasttwice.
The forth vertex of the initial K 4 is not the middle vertex of a triangle consisting of
three consecutive vertices. It can only become such a vertex if its incident inner edges
are crossed by a 2-hop. But then these inner edges are all crossed at least twice.
v 1 ,v 3 }
Summarizing, we obtain the following theorem; in order to exploit this result in the
biconnected case, it is also tested whether a prescribed subset (possibly empty) of edges
can be drawn as outer edges.
Theorem 1. Givena3-connected graph G withasubset E of its edgeset,itcan be
tested in lineartime whether G is maximalouter-fan-planar and has an outer-fan-
planardrawing such thattheedges in E are outer edges. Moreover if suchadrawing
exists, it can be constructed in lineartime.
Sketch of Proof. Let n be the number of vertices. By Lemma 10, a complete 2-hop
graph has only a constant number of outer-fan-planar embeddings which can be com-
puted in linear time. Whenever we remove a vertex from the graph, we append it to
aqueue. Any vertex that was removed from the queue will never be appended again.
Hence, there are at most n iterations.
To check whether the degree three vertices can be reinserted back in the graph, we
only have to consider in total four different embeddings. Assume that we want to insert
avertex v into an outer triangle v 1 ,v 2 ,v 3 .Thenwejust have to check whether v 1 or v 3
are incident to edges other than the edge
that cross an edgeincidentto v 2 .This
can be done in constant time by checking only two pairs of edges.
v 1 ,v 3 }
The Biconnected Case. We now sketch how to test outer-fan-planar maximality on a
biconnected graph.
Lemma 12. Let v 1 ,...,v n be theorderofthe vertices aroundthecircleinanouter-
fan-planardrawing of a 3-connected graph G .Ifwecan add avertex v between v 1 and
v n withanedge
v,v i }
for some i =2 ,...,n
1 ,then i =2 or i = n
1 .
Proof. Otherwise, since v 1 ,v i cannot be a separation pair of G , there has to be an edge
from a v k for some k =2 ,...,i
1 that crosses
v,v i }
and hence an edge
v k ,v n }
Since v n ,v i cannot be a separation pair of G , there has to be an edge
v 1 ,v }
for some
= i +1 ,...,n
1.But now there are three independent edges crossing.
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