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Recognizing and Drawing Maximal Outer-Fan-Planar Graphs
In this section, we prove that given a graph G =( V,E ) on n vertices, there is a poly-
nomial time algorithm to decide whether G is maximal outer-fan-planar and if so a
corresponding straight-line drawing can be computed in linear time. By Lemma 1, we
only have to check, whether G has a straight-line drawing on a circle
that is fan-planar.
Note that such a drawing is determined by the cyclic order of the vertices on
fan-planar graphs with n vertices have at most 5 n
10 edges [18], we may assume that
the number of edges is linear in the number of vertices. We first consider the case that G
is 3-connected and then using SPQR-trees we show how the problem can be solved for
biconnected graphs. Observe that biconnectivity is a necessary condition for maximal
outer-fan-planarity. Indeed, if an outer-fan-planar drawing has a cut-vertex c , it is easy
to see that it is always possible to draw an edge connecting two neighbors of c while
preserving the outer-fan-planarity.
The 3-Connected Case. Assume that a straight-line drawing of a 3-connected graph G
with n vertices on a circle
is given. Let v 1 ,...,v n be the order of the vertices around
(mod n ),anda long edge otherwise. G is a complete 2-hop graph ,ifthereareallouter
edges and all 2-hops, butnolong edges. Two crossing long edges are a scissor if their
end-points form two consecutive pairs of vertices on
v i ,v j }
is an outer edge ,if i
1(mod n ),a 2-hop ,if i
. We say that a triangle is an outer
triangle if two of its three edges are outer edges. We call an outer-fan-planar drawing
maximal , if adding any edge to it yields a drawing that is not outer-fan-planar.
Ouralgorithm is based on the observation that if a graph is 3-connected maximal
outer-fan-planar, then it is a complete 2-hop graph, or we can repeatedly remove any
degree-3 vertex from any 4-clique until only a triangle is left. In a second step, we
reinsert the vertices maintaining outer-fan-planarity (if possible). It turns outthatwe
have to check a constant number of possible embeddings. In the following,weprove
some necessary properties. The first three lemmas are used in the proof of Lemma 5.
Their proofs are based on the 3-connectivity of the input graph; see Fig. 2a, 2b and 2c.
Lemma 2. Let G be a 3-connected outer-fan-planar graph embedded onacircle
twolong edges cross, then two of its end-points are consecutiveon
Lemma 3. Let G be a 3-connected outer-fan-planar graph embedded onacircle
there are twolong crossing edges, then there is a scissor, as well.
Lemma 4. Let G be a 3-connected graph embedded onacircle
outer-fan-planardrawing.If G contains a scissor, then its end vertices induce a K 4 .
Lemma 5. Let G be a 3-connected graphwithamaximalouter-fan-planardrawing
and assumethatthedrawing contains atleast onelong edge. Then, G contains a K 4
withall four vertices drawn consecutively on thecircle.
Proof. First consider the case where the graph contains at least two crossing long edges
and, thus, by Lemma 3 a scissor. Removing the vertices of a scissor, splits G into two
connected components. Assume that we have chosen the scissor such that the smaller
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