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Lemma 3. Let G be amaximally dense outer fan-planar graphwith n vertices andlet
ʓ be an outer fan-planardrawing of G . CR( ʓ ) does not contain odd cycles of length
greater than 5 .
Proof. Let C be an odd cycle of length in CR( ʓ ).Let E ( C )= {e 0 =
( u 0 ,v 0 ) ,...,e 1 =( u 1 ,v 1 ) }
be the set of edges of G corresponding to
the vertices of C ,such that e i crosses e i +1 for i =0 ,...,l
1, where indices are
taken modulo . Recall that all vertices of G are on the outer face of ʓ , which implies
that the end-vertices of the edges in E ( C ) are encountered in the following order when
walking clockwise on the boundary of the outer face of ʓ : u i precedes v i− 1 and v i
precedes u i +2 (see, e.g., Fig.3(a)).Furthermore, vertices v i and u i +2 must coincide,
for i =0 ,...,
edge e i +1 is crossed by two independent edges (i.e., e i and e i +2 ), which contradicts the
hypothesis that ʓ is fan-planar. See also Fig.3(a).Thus, we have that u i precedes u i +1
while walking clockwise on the boundary of the outer face of ʓ ,for i =0 ,...,
1. Indeed, if v i and u i +2 are distinct, for some i =0 ,...,
asshowninFig. 3(b). Moreover, it can be seen that the edges in E ( C ) are not crossed
by any edge not in E ( C ), as otherwise the drawing would not be fan-planar.
u 1
v 6
v 0
u 2
u 1
u 2
e 6
e 2
e 6
e 0
e 1
v 1
e 0
e 1
u 0
u 3
u 0
u 3
e 2
v 5
e 5
e 3
e 3
u 6
v 2
v 4
u 6
u 4
e 4
e 5
e 4
u 4
v 3
u 5
u 5
Fig. 3. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 3. (a) An edgeset E ( C ) with =7.If v 3 and u 5 do
not coincide, e 4 (dashed) is crossed by the two independent edges e 3 and e 5 (in bold). (b) E ( C )
with =7,where v i coincides with u i +2 ,for i =0 ,..., 7.
Now, suppose by contradiction that is odd and greater than 5 (see Fig. 3(b)). Con-
sider a vertex u i ,forsome i =0 ,...,− 1, and denote by V the set of vertices encoun-
tered between u i +3 and u i− 3 while walking clockwise on the boundary of the outer
face of ʓ (including u i +3 and u i− 3 ). Vertex u i cannot be adjacent to any vertex in V .
Namely, if an edge e =( u i ,u j ) existed, for some u j
V ,thenitwould be crossed by
the two independent edges e i− 1 and e j− 1 .Thus, removing e i− 1 from ʓ , one can suit-
ably connect u i to all the vertices in V , still obtaining a fan-planar drawing ʓ with n
vertices. Since the size of V is
7 by assumption, then ʓ has at least two
edges more than ʓ , which contradicts the hypothesis that G is maximally dense.
The following corollary is a consequence of Lemma 3 and Property 1.
Corollary 1. Let G be amaximally dense outer fan-planar graph.Any odd cycle in the
crossing graph of a fan-planardrawing of G hasexactly length 5 .
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