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( iii ) Finally, we show that testing whether a graph admits a fan-planar drawing in the
variable embedding setting is NP-complete (Sec. 5).
Preliminaries are in Sec. 2. Open problems can be found in Sec. 6. For space reasons
some proofs are sketched or omitted.
Preliminary Definitions and Results
A drawing ʓ of a graph G maps each vertex to a distinct point of the plane and each
edge to a simple Jordan arc between the points corresponding to the end-vertices of the
edge. For a subgraph G of G , we denote by ʓ [ G ] the restriction of ʓ to G .Throughout
the paper we consider only simple graphs , i.e., graphs with neither multiple edges nor
self-loops; also we only consider simple drawings , i.e., drawingssuch that the arcs
representing two edges have at most one point in common, which is either a common
end-vertex or a common interior point where the two arcs properly cross each other.
For each vertex v of G ,thesetofedges incident to v is called the fan of v . Clearly,
each edge ( u,v ) of G belongstothefanof u andtothefanof v at the same time. Two
edges that do not share a vertex are called independentedges ; two independent edges
always belong to distinct fans. A fan-planardrawing ʓ of G ,isadrawing of G such
that: ( a ) no edge is crossed by two independent edges; ( b ) there are not two adjacent
edges ( u,v ), ( u,w ) that cross an edge e from different “sides” while moving from u to
v and from u to w . The forbidden configurations ( a ) and ( b ) are depicted in Fig.2(a)
and Fig. 2(b), respectively. Figures 2(c) and 2(d) show two allowed configurations of a
fan-planar drawing.A fan-planar graph is a graph that admits a fan-planar drawing.
Fig. 2. (a)-(b) Forbidden configurations in a fan-planar drawing: (c)-(d) Allowed configurations
in a fan-planar drawing
The next property immediately follows from the definition of fan-planar drawings.
Property 1. A fan-planar drawing does not contain 3-mutually crossing edges.
Let ʓ be a non-planar drawing of G ;the planarenhancement ʓ of ʓ is the drawing
obtained from ʓ by replacing each crossing point with a dummy vertex. The boundary
of each face f of ʓ consists of a sequence of real and dummy vertices; the connected
region f of the plane that corresponds to f in ʓ consists of a sequence of vertices and
crossing points. For simplicity we call f a face of ʓ .The outer face of ʓ is the face
corresponding to the outer face of ʓ . A fan-planar drawing of G with all vertices on the
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