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F that respects the field
operations, i.e., ˃ ( xy )= ˃ ( x ) ˃ ( y ) and ˃ ( x + y )= ˃ ( x )+ ˃ ( y ). The set of all field
automorphism of a field F forms a group denoted by Aut( F ). Given a field extension
K of F ,thesubset of Aut( K ) that leaves F unchanged is itself a group, called the
Galois group of the extension, and is denoted
A field automorphism of the field F is a bijection ˃ : F
Gal( K/F )=
Aut( K )
˃ ( x )= x for all x
The splitting field of a polynomial, p , with rational coefficients, denoted split( p ) is the
smallest subfield of the complex numbers that contains all the roots of the polynomial.
Each automorphism in Gal(split( p ) / Q ) permutes the roots of the polynomial, no two
automorphisms permute the roots in the same way, and these permutations form a
group, so Gal(split( p ) / Q ) can be thought of as a permutation group.
Lemma 7. If ʱ can be computed byaradicalcomputation tree and K is the splitting
field of an irreducible polynomial with ʱ asone of its roots, then Gal( K/ Q ) does not
contain S n as a subgroupforany n
5 .
Proof. If ʱ is computable by a radical computation tree, it can be written as an expres-
sion using nested radicals. If K is the splitting field of an irreducible polynomial with
such an expression as a root, Gal( K/ Q ) is a solvable group (Def. 8.1.1 of [19], p. 191
and Theorem 8.3.3 of [19], p. 204). But S n is not solvable for n
5 (Theorem 8.4.5
of [19], p. 213), and every subgroup of a solvable group is solvable (Proposition 8.1.3
of [19], p. 192). Thus, Gal( K/ Q ) cannot contain S n ( n
The next lemma allows us to infer properties of a Galois group from the coefficients
of a monic polynomial, that is, a polynomial with integer coefficients whose first co-
efficient is one. The discriminant of a monic polynomial is (uptosign) the product of
the squared differences of all pairs of its roots; it can also be computed as a polynomial
function of the coefficients. The lemma is due to Dedekind and proven in [19].
Lemma 8 (Dedekind's theorem). Let f ( x ) be an irreducible monic polynomialin
Z [ x ] and p a prime not dividing thediscriminantof f .If f ( x ) factors into a product
of irreducibles of degrees d 0 ,d 1 ,...d r over Z /p Z ,then Gal(split( f ) / Q ) contains a
permutation thatisthecomposition of disjointcycles of lengths d 0 ,d 1 ,...,d r .
Apermutation groupis transitive if, for every two elements x and y of the elements
being permuted, the groupincludes a permutation that maps x to y .If K is the splitting
field of an irreducible polynomial of degree n ,thenGal( K/ Q ) (viewed as a permu-
tation group on the roots) is necessarily transitive. The next lemma allows ustouse
Dedekind's theorem to prove that Gal( K/ Q ) equals S n . It is a standard exercise in
abstract algebra (e.g., [20], Exercise 3, p. 305).
Lemma 9. If a transitivesubgroup G of S n contains a transpositionand an ( n
1) -
cycle, then G = S n .
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