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Number Theory. The Euler totientfunction , ˆ ( n ),counts the number of integers in
the interval [1 ,n
1] that are relatively prime to n . It can be calculated from the prime
factorization n = p r i i by the formula
ˆ ( n )= p r i 1
( p i
1) .
A Sophie Germain prime is a prime number p such that 2 p +1is also prime [17]. It
has been conjectured that there are infinitely many of them, but the conjecture remains
unsolved. The significance of these primes for usisthat,when p is a Sophie Germain
prime, ˆ (2 p +1)has the large prime factor p . An easy construction gives a number n
for which ˆ ( n ) has a prime factor of size ʩ ( n ):simplylet n = p 2 for a prime p , with
ˆ ( n )= p ( p
1). Baker and Harman [18] proved the following stronger bound.
Lemma 4 (Baker and Harman [18]). Fo r i nfinitely many prime numbers p ,thelargest
primefactor of ˆ ( p ) is atleast p 0 . 677 .
Field Theory. A field is a system of values and arithmetic operations over them
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) obeying similar axioms to those of
rational arithmetic, real number arithmetic, and complex number arithmetic: addition
and multiplication are commutative and associative, multiplication distributes over ad-
dition, subtraction is inverse to addition, and division is inverse to multiplication by
any value except zero. A field K is an extension of a field F ,and F is a subfield of
K (the base field ), if the elements of F are a subset of those of K andthetwofields'
operations coincide for those values. K can be viewed as a vector space over F (values
in K can be added to each other and multiplied by values in F )andthe degree [ K : F ]
of the extension is its dimension as a vector space. For an element ʱ of K the notation
F ( ʱ ) represents the set of values that can be obtained from rational functions (ratios
of univariate polynomials) with coefficients in F by plugging in ʱ as the valueofthe
variable. F ( ʱ ) is itself a field, intermediate between F and K . In particular, we will
frequently consider field extensions Q ( ʱ ) where Q is the field of rational numbers and
ʱ is an algebraic number , the complex root of a polynomial with rational coefficients.
Lemma 5. If ʱ can be computed byaroot computation tree of degree f ( n ) ,then
[ Q ( ʱ ): Q ] is f ( n ) -smooth, i.e., it has noprimefactor >f ( n ) .In particular, i f ʱ
can be computed byaquadratic computation tree, then [ Q ( ʱ ): Q ] is a power of two.
Proof. See the full version of the paper.
A primitive root of unity ʶ n is a root of x n
1 whose powers give all other roots of
the same polynomial. As a complex number we can take ʶ n =exp(2 iˀ/n ).
Lemma 6 (Corollary 9.1.10 of [19], p. 235). [ Q ( ʶ n ): Q ]= ˆ ( n ) .
Galois Theory. A group is a system of values and a single operation (written as
multiplication) that is associative and in which every element has an inverse. The set
of permutations of the set [ n ]=
,multiplied by function composition, is a
standard example of a group and is denoted by S n .A permutationgroup is a subgroup
of S n ; i.e., it is a set of permutations that is closed under the group operation.
1 , 2 ,...,n
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