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( x, y ):= b R
| b = y + r 0 + s 1 / h ; r, s
1 ,
0; r + s
1 .
For two touching polygons S u ,S v in the plane, we define the size of contact cs( S u ,S v )
by the length of its realizing segment; and for two touching d -dimensional polytopes
S u ,S v , we define cs( S u ,S v ) by the shortest edgelength of the ( d
( x, y ):= b R
| b = y + r 0 + s 1 / 2
h ; r, s
0; r + s
polytope realizing the contact. The contact size of a PCR
is given by cs(
n by a vector t
cs( S u ,S v )
( u,v )
.The translation of a set S
is defined by the addition S + t := ( x + t )
S .The space sp( S u ,S v ,d )
of two objects S u ,S v in direction d is the maximum ʴ
such that either object can
be translated by ʴd and they remain interiorly disjoint. Finally, [ n ]:=
0 ,...,n
2.1 Some Properties
We start with some basic properties of UPCRs. Clearly, PCRs in the plane may only
exist for planar graphs. Duetothecongruent objects, graphs with UPCR have bounded
maximumdegree and fulfill spatial constraints.
Observation 1. Let G be agraphadmitting a UPCR with regular n -gons. Then,the
maximum degree is bounded by 6, i.e. Δ ( G )
6 .
Fig. 1. Examples of polygons and a cube with maximumnumber of neighbors in a UPCR
For triangles and squares, it is easy to see that the maximumdegree is 4 and 6,
respectively, see Figure 1. A general upper bound for regular polygons is given by
their kissing number , the maximal number of congruent copies a single polygon can be
touched by. Regular n -gons with n
5 have a kissing number of
6, see [13, 14] for
further explanation.
Together with ʩ ( n ) polygons at the boundary of any (component of a) represen-
tation, this results in a low edge density: If a graph G on n vertices has a UPCR with
k -gons, then the number of edges is
ʩ ( n ). The analogousresult for unit
cube graphs has already been shown in [3]: For G =( V,E ) with UCuPCR it holds that
Δ ( G )
3 n
ʩ ( n 3 ).
We formulate spatial restrictions, duetothecongruent objects for d -cubes :
Observation 2. Let G be agraphwithaUPCR with d -cubes in
14 and
7 n
d .Then,everyvertex
has at most (2 r +1) d vertices in distance
r .
This follows easily by comparing the available space in distance
r and the needed
space to place all congruent d -cubes. Consequently, there exist binary trees with no
UPCR with squares nor cubes.
For cubes, Bremner et al. [3], show that it is NP-complete to decide whether a graph
admits a UCuPCR. With the same ideas, we can show the analogousresult for squares:
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