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d =
( k log n ), which does not yield a balanced circle-contact representation when k
is non-constant. For k = ʩ (log n ), we present a different augmentation to achieve the
diameter d =
( k +log n ) in the resultinggraph.
We augment the graph using weight-balanced binary trees .Let T be a binary tree
with leaves l 1 ,l 2 ,...,l |f| and a prespecified weight w i assigned to each leaf l i .The
tree T is weight-balanced if the depth of each leaf l i in T is
W = i =1 w i . There exist several algorithms for producing aweight-balanced binary
tree with positive integer weights defined on its leaves [13, 21].
To augment G , we label each vertex v of G with the number l +1,where l is the
number of outer cycles that need to be removed before v becomes an outer vertex. By
ourassumption that the outerplanarity of G is k , the label of every vertex is at most k .
It follows from this labeling that, for each vertex v of G with label l> 1, there exists
a face f containing v such that f has at least one vertex of label l
log( W/w i )
1 and such that
all the vertices on f have label either l or l − 1.Weinsertaweight-balanced binary
tree inside f ; we choose an arbitrary vertex of f with label l − 1 as the root of the tree,
and a subset of vertices with label l as the leaves; see Fig. 3. We construct these trees
inside the different faces in such a way that each vertex of G with label l> 1 becomes
a leaf in exactly one of the trees. Finally, we insert another weight-balanced tree T 0 on
the outer face containing all the outer vertices as the leaves. Note that we have yet to
specify the weights we assign to these leaves for producing the weight-balanced trees.
By the construction, the union of all these trees forms a connected spanning tree of G ;
we can consider the root of T 0 to be the root of the whole spanning tree.
Let us now specify the weights assigned to the leaves of the different weight-balanced
trees. We label each tree with the label of its root, and define the weights for the leaves
of each tree in a bottom-upordering, by decreasing order of the labels of the trees. In
atree T with label l =( k
1), all the leaves have label k and are not the root of any
other tree; we assign each of these leave the weight 1. In this case, the total weight of T
is the number of its leaves. Similarly, for a tree with label l<k
1, we assignaweight
level 1
u 2
level 2
u 3
level 3
Fig. 3. Augmentation of G with a weight-balanced binary trees
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