Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Numerous other benchmarks from various product vendors are available, including the following:
Tokyo Cabinet Benchmarks
How fast is Redis
Riak benchmark
VoltDB: Key/value benchmarking
Sort benchmark
The previous two sections compared the NoSQL options on the basis of features and benchmarks.
This section provides contextual information that relates a few NoSQL products to the conditions
that led to their creation and evolution.
Not all NoSQL products are equal. Not all NoSQL products stack up equally either in terms of
features or benchmarks. However, each NoSQL product has its own history, motivation, use case,
and unique value proposition. Aligning yourself with these viewpoints, and especially with the
product's history and evolution, will help you understand which NoSQL product is suitable for the
job at hand.
For the popular document databases, explore the following online resources:
CouchDB — Watch a video (
ctory2009/speakers/DamienKatz ) from an Erlang Factory's 2009 session, where CouchDB
founder Damien Katz talks about the History of CouchDB development from a very personal
point of view. He talks about the inspirations for CouchDB and why he decided to move his
wife and kids to a cheaper place and live off savings to build the database. He talks about the
decision to switch to Erlang and the transition to joining the Apache Foundation. The video
brings to light the motivations and reasons for the product's existence.
MongoDB — Read the unoffi cial history of MongoDB that Kristina Chodrow wrote on her
blog: .
For the established key/value-centric databases, explore these:
Redis — Read a mailing list post (
thread/thread/0c706a43bc78b0e5/17c21c48642e4936?#17c21c48642e4936 ) by Antirez
(Salavtore Sanfi llippo) after he decided to eat his own dog food and switch to
use Redis instead of MySQL.
Tokyo Cabinet — Read the Tokyo Cabinet value proposition on the product homepage at .
Kyoto Cabinet — The Tokyo Cabinet folks created a new product called Kyoto Cabinet.
Read details online at .
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