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to have a different key for each line item or else they will end up getting stored together
as versions of the same key/value pair. For example, call the product name column
product_name_1 instead of calling all of them product_name .
The next example uses Redis to illustrate creating data in a key/value map.
Using the Create Operation in Key/Value Maps
Redis is a simple, yet powerful, data structure server that lets you store values as a simple key/value
pair or as a member of a collection. Each key/value pair can be a standalone map of strings or
reside in a collection. A collection could be any of the following types: list, set, sorted set, or hash.
A standalone key/value string pair is like a variable that can take string values.
You can create a Redis string key/value map like so:
./redis-cli set akey avalue
You can confi rm that the value is created successfully with the help of the get command as follows:
./redis-cli get akey
The response, as expected, is avalue . The set method is the same as the create or the put method.
If you invoke the set method again but this time set anothervalue for the key, akey , the original
value is replaced with the new one. Try out the following:
./redis-cli set akey anothervalue
./redis-cli get akey
The response, as expected, would be the new value: anothervalue .
The familiar set and get commands for a string can't be used for Redis collections, though. For
example, using lpush and rpush creates and populates a list. A nonexistent list can be created along
with its fi rst member as follows:
./redis-cli lpush list_of_books 'MongoDB: The Definitive Guide'
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You can use the range operation to verify and see the fi rst few members of the list — list_of_
books — like so:
./redis-cli lrange list_of_books 0 -1
1. “MongoDB: The Definitive Guide”
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The range operation uses the index of the fi rst element, 0, and the index of the last element, -1, to
get all elements in the list.
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