Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Mendoza has long been one of Argentina's safer destinations, but economic woes have
caught up here, too, resulting in an increased number of street crimes. Tourists are rarely
the target here and the city is still a safe place, but there are a few things to watch out for.
Bag snatching and pickpocketing (particularly when the victim is wandering around with
their hands full) are on the rise, as is the practice of snatching MP3 players from joggers
in the park.
The areas around the bus terminal and on Cerro de la Gloria (in Parque General San
Martín) now have an increased police presence, but are still considered dangerous at
night. Increased caution is recommended during the early afternoon, too, as police tend
to take the siesta along with everybody else. There have been several reports of people
picking locks on hostel lockers - if you have something really valuable, leave it at your
hostel's reception or, better yet, in its safe.
0261-428-0000) Call for an ambulance.
Servicio Coordinado de Emergencia (
Immigration Office (
0261-424-3512; Av San Martín 1859;
9am-4pm Mon-Fri) In Godoy
Cruz, south of the city center.
La Guía This free monthly events magazine is a must-have if you plan on keeping up
with Mendoza's hectic cultural scene. Pick up a copy at any tourist office.
Wine Republic ( ) An excellent English-language magazine focusing
on wine but also featuring good reviews of up-and-coming restaurants, Mendoza gossip
and a couple of entertaining articles. Pick up a copy at Vines of Mendoza ( Click here ) or
Trout & Wine ( Click here ) .
Hospital (
0261-420-0063/0600; cnr José F Moreno & Alem)
There are many ATMs downtown. The following two banks are architectural landmarks;
Banco Mendoza is massive.
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