Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The annual Oktoberfest, held during the first two weeks of October, draws beer lovers
from all over the world. In summer-time the village slowly fills with holidaymakers en-
joying the tranquil streets and the evergreen-dotted countryside. Unless you're really ex-
cited about microbrew beer, torta selva negra (Black Forest cake) and goulash, Villa
General Belgrano can be seen in a day trip from Córdoba or nearby La Cumbrecita. Des-
pite its decidedly Germanic flavor, you'd be lucky to hear any of the modern-day inhabit-
ants speaking the language of the old country.
Sights & Activities
If you're up for a stroll, a lovely path runs between Corrientes and El Quebracho, along-
side the Arroyo La Toma, a creek one block back from the main street.
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