Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The gaucho is one of Argentina's archetypal images, but it's a little-known fact that
many a gaucho was of Jewish origin. The first recorded instance of mass Jewish
immigration to Argentina was in the late 19th century, when 800 Russian Jews ar-
rived in Buenos Aires, fleeing persecution from Czar Alexander III.
The Jewish Colonization Association, funded by a German philanthropist, began
distributing 100-hectare parcels of land to immigrant families; the first major
colony was Moisés Ville in Santa Fe province, which became known at the time as
Jerusalem Argentina. Today there are only about 300 Jewish residents left in town
(15% of the population), but many traditions prevail: the tiny town boasts four syn-
agogues, the bakery sells Sabbath bread, and kids in the street use Yiddish slang
words such as 'schlep' and 'schlock.'
These rural Jews readily assimilated into Argentine society, mixing their own tra-
ditions with those of their adopted country, so it was not unusual to see a figure on
horseback in baggy pants, canvas shoes and skullcap on his way to throw a hunk of
cow on the asado(barbecue). Many descendants have since left the land in search
of education and opportunities in the cities. Argentina's Jews number about
200,000, making them Latin America's largest Jewish community.
To learn more about the gauchos judíos,visit the Museo Judío de Entre Ríos in
Hotel Pellegrini HOTEL $
( 422-7137;; Pellegrini 443; s/d AR$200/300; ) By far the best
budget choice, three blocks south of the plaza, this friendly family-run place offers spot-
less rooms with TV and bathroom. You'll definitely need to book ahead, as it's popular.
Hotel Concordia HOTEL $
( 421-6869; La Rioja 518; s/d AR$230/330; ) This cheap and cheerful choice occu-
pies a cavernous building. Rooms vary in light, size and mattress quality. Bathrooms,
some accessed via in-room stairs, are decent.
Hotel Salto Grande HOTEL $$$
( 421-0034; ; Urquiza 581; s/d AR$458/578; ) Just south
of the main plaza, this polished, modern hotel offers excellent service at fair prices.
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