Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The formation of a national park would bring benefits to the entire area and
province, help biodiversity conservation and be a point of pride for locals. And, of
course ,a big economic development component with the advent of lots of tourism.
It would be the largest national park in Argentina, the province would benefit by the
tourism and the nation would pay the costs for operating the park, a kind of double
win for the province and its citizens.
Life goes on as usual for everyone, it is only the 560,000 hectares of provincial
land, coupled with 175,000 hectares of foundation land that would constitute a na-
tional park. Beyond that all landowners just continue on. Zero change for them.
The only thing that will change is the value of their land will go up, just like all land
does when a park is declared next to them virtually anywhere in the world.
You're trialing the reintroduction of giant anteaters?
This project is already an unqualified success. We have lots of animals in the wild
again, reproducing nicely and healthily. One of the most successful things we have
ever done in conservation. We are very happy about it. Now we are partially
through the reintroduction of the pampa deer and starting on the jaguar, which is a
big undertaking.
The Laguna Iberá is only a small part of the 13,000-sq-km area of the Esteros. Some
80km north, at Galarza, is the Laguna Galarza and the larger Laguna de Luna, which also
can be explored by boat.
Upmarket lodges can organize these activities; if you are staying at one they are usu-
ally included in the price. If not, the best place to organize boat trips and other excursions
is the campsite (from where most trips leave). Note that few guides speak English; if you
want an English-speaking guide, it's best to go through one of the lodges.
Night Walks &
Horseback Rides WALKING TOUR
You can take guided night walks here (AR$75 for two hours). Longer guided walks are
also available, as are horseback rides (AR$100), although these are more for the ride's
sake than for wildlife-spotting.
Boat Trips BOAT TOUR
The best way to appreciate the area is by boat. The classic trip is a two- to three-hour ex-
cursion in a lancha (small motorboat; AR$120 to AR$150), which takes you around the
Laguna Iberá and its embalsados . You'll see myriad bird and animal life, elegant lilies,
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