Travel Reference
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9 Palacio de la Legislatura B2
10 Palacio Municipal B3
11 Pasaje Dardo Rocha B2
12 Paseo del Bosque D1
13 Teatro Argentino B3
14 Teatro Martín Fierro D2
15 Benevento Hotel B1
16 Catedral Hotel A3
17 Hostel del Bosque C2
18 San Marco Hotel C2
19 Único Ecohostel B1
20 Carnes Don Pedro B2
21 Cervecería Modelo C2
22 Wilkenny B3
La Plata's main sights are all within walking distance of each other. Near Plaza Moreno
is the neo-Gothic cathedral OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP ( 423-3931; ; Plaza Moreno; 10am-7pm; tower 11am-6pm Tue-Fri, 12:30-6pm Sat
& Sun) , which was begun in 1885 but not inaugurated until 1932, with tower construction
only completed in 1999. The cathedral was inspired by medieval predecessors in Co-
logne and Amiens, and has fine stained glass windows and polished granite floors;
90-minute tours (daily at 11am, 2:30pm and 4pm, reservations necessary) are AR$40 and
include a museum and elevator ride to the top. There's also a gift shop and cafe.
Opposite the cathedral is the Palacio Municipal OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP , de-
signed in German Renaissance style by Hanoverian architect Hubert Stiers. On the west
side of the plaza, the Museo y Archivo Dardo Rocha OFFLINE MAP
427-5591; ; Calle 50, No 935;
9am-5pm Mon-Fri, 3-6pm Sat
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