Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Año Nuevo (New Year's Day) January 1
Día de los Reyes (Epiphany) January 6
Viernes Santo/Pascua (Good Friday/Easter) March/April (dates vary)
Desembarco de los 33 (Return of the 33 Exiles) April 19; honors the exiles who re-
turned to Uruguay in 1825 to liberate the country from Brazil with Argentine support
Día del Trabajador (Labor Day) May 1
Batalla de Las Piedras (Battle of Las Piedras) May 18; commemorates a major battle
of the fight for independence
Natalicio de Artigas (Artigas' Birthday) June 19
Jura de la Constitución (Constitution Day) July 18
Día de la Independencia (Independence Day) August 25
Día de la Raza (Columbus Day) October 12
Día de los Muertos (All Souls' Day) November 2
Navidad (Christmas Day) December 25
Uruguay's country code is 598. Antel ( ) is the state telephone company,
with offices in every town.
All Uruguayan landline numbers are eight digits long, beginning with 2 for Montevid-
eo or 4 for elsewhere in the country. Cell (mobile) phone numbers consist of a three-digit
prefix (most commonly 099) followed by a six-digit number. If dialing internationally,
drop the leading zero.
Public phones require prepaid cards, sold in values of 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 pesos,
available at Antel offices or newspaper kiosks.
Most internet cafes have headphone-microphone setups and Skype installed on their
Cell Phones
Three companies - Antel ( ) , Movistar ( ) and
Claro ( ) - provide cell-phone service in Uruguay. Rather than use ex-
pensive roaming plans, many travelers bring an unlocked cell phone (or buy a cheap one
here) and simply insert a local SIM card. These are readily available at most kiosks, as
are prepaid cards to recharge your credit.
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