Biology Reference
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Our in vivo studies performed on vil +/+ and vil / mice by administration of
Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS), an abrasive agent of the intestinal epithelium,
have shown a higher probability of death of villin null mice, indicating their
higher susceptibility to cell damage. This allowed us to suggest a role for villin
in epithelial cell plasticity in response to cell injury. This model of intestinal
injury, close to other animal models of rectolitis, could lead, in a long-term
project, to a useful investigation of villin status in human colonic disease such
as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). A genetic predisposition has been
suggested, and many environmental factors, including bacterial, viral and,
perhaps, dietary antigens, can trigger an ongoing enteric inflammatory
cascade during IBDs. This raises the question of how epithelial cells interact
with components of the immune system and manage to promote the epithelial
mesenchyme transition in response to injury. The investigation of villin
expression levels or mutations in the IBD context can contribute to an
understanding of IBD pathogenesis.
Cantiello, H. F., 1995. Role of the actin cytoskeleton on epithelial Na+ channel
regulation. Kidney Int. 48: 970-984.
Cantiello H. F., Stow, J. L., et al., 1991. Actin filaments regulate epithelial Na+ channel
activity. Am. J. Physiol. 261: C882-C888.
Cooper, J. A. and Schafer, D. A., 2000. Control of actin assembly and disassembly at
filament ends. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 12: 97-103.
Costa de Beauregard, M. A., Pringault, E., et al., 1995. Suppression of villin expression by
antisense RNA impairs brush border assembly in polarized epithelial intestinal cells.
Embo J. 14: 409-421.
Doering, D. S. and Matsudaira, P., 1996. Cysteine scanning mutagenesis at 40 of 76
positions in villin headpiece maps the F-actin binding site and structural features of the
domain. Biochem. 35: 12677-12685.
Ferrary, E., Cohen-Tannoudji, M., et al., 1999. In vivo, villin is required for Ca 2+
dependent F-actin disruption in intestinal brush-borders. J. Cell Biol. 146: 819-829.
Friederich, E., Huet, C., et al., 1989. Villin induces microvilli growth and actin
redistribution in transfected fibroblasts. Cell 59: 461-475.
Friederich, E., Pringault, E., et al., 1990. From the structure to the function of villin, an
actin-binding protein of the brush border. Bioessays 12: 403-408.
Friederich, E., Vancompernolle, K., et al., 1992. An actin-binding site containing a
conserved motif of charged amino acid residues is essential for the morphogenic effect of
villin. Cell 70: 81-92.
Friederich, E., Vancompernolle, K., et al., 1999. Villin function in the organization of the
actin cytoskeleton. Correlation of in vivo effects to its biochemical activities in vitro.
J. Biol. Chem. 274: 26751-26760.
Heintzelman, M. B. and Mooseker, M. S., 1992. Assembly of the intestinal brush border
cytoskeleton. Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 26: 93-122.
Janmey, P. A. and Matsudaira, P. T., 1988. Functional comparison of villin and gelsolin.
Effects of Ca 2+ , KCl, and polyphosphoinositides. J. Biol. Chem. 263: 16738-16743.
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