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a function as part of a program) to take P and some input string w, and
modify it so that w is hardcoded inside P, with P reading no input. Call this
modified program P 0 . Now, P 0 always behaves the same way regardless of
its input, because it ignores all input. However, because w is now hardwired
inside of P 0 , the behavior we get is that of P when given w as input. So, P 0
will halt on any arbitrary input if and only if P would halt on input w. We
now feed P 0 to function Ahalt . If Ahalt could determine that P 0 halts
on some input, then that is the same as determining that P halts on input w.
But we know that that is impossible. Therefore, Ahalt cannot exist. 2
There are many things that we would like to have a computer do that are un-
solvable. Many of these have to do with program behavior. For example, proving
that an arbitrary program is “correct,” that is, proving that a program computes a
particular function, is a proof regarding program behavior. As such, what can be
accomplished is severely limited. Some other unsolvable problems include:
• Does a program halt on every input?
• Does a program compute a particular function?
• Do two programs compute the same function?
• Does a particular line in a program get executed?
This does not mean that a computer program cannot be written that works on
special cases, possibly even on most programs that we would be interested in check-
ing. For example, some C compilers will check if the control expression for a
while loop is a constant expression that evaluates to false . If it is, the compiler
will issue a warning that the while loop code will never be executed. However, it
is not possible to write a computer program that can check for all input programs
whether a specified line of code will be executed when the program is given some
specified input.
Another unsolvable problem is whether a program contains a computer virus.
The property “contains a computer virus” is a matter of behavior. Thus, it is not
possible to determine positively whether an arbitrary program contains a computer
virus. Fortunately, there are many good heuristics for determining if a program
is likely to contain a virus, and it is usually possible to determine if a program
contains a particular virus, at least for the ones that are now known. Real virus
checkers do a pretty good job, but, it will always be possible for malicious people
to invent new viruses that no existing virus checker can recognize.
Further Reading
The classic text on the theory of NP-completeness is Computers and Intractabil-
ity: A Guide to the Theory of NP-completeness by Garey and Johnston [GJ79].
The Traveling Salesman Problem, edited by Lawler et al.
[LLKS85], discusses
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