Java Reference
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Our next example of reduction concerns the multiplication of two nn matri-
ces. For this problem, we will assume that the values stored in the matrices are sim-
ple integers and that multiplying two simple integers takes constant time (because
multiplication of two int variables takes a fixed number of machine instructions).
The standard algorithm for multiplying two matrices is to multiply each element
of the first matrix's first row by the corresponding element of the second matrix's
first column, then adding the numbers. This takes (n) time. Each of the n 2 el-
ements of the solution are computed in similar fashion, requiring a total of (n 3 )
time. Faster algorithms are known (see the discussion of Strassen's Algorithm in
Section 16.3.3), but none are so fast as to be in O(n 2 ).
Now, consider the case of multiplying two symmetric matrices. A symmetric
matrix is one in which entry ij is equal to entry ji; that is, the upper-right triangle
of the matrix is a mirror image of the lower-left triangle. Is there something about
this restricted case that allows us to multiply two symmetric matrices faster than
in the general case? The answer is no, as can be seen by the following reduction.
Assume that we have been given two nn matrices A and B. We can construct a
2n 2n symmetric matrix from an arbitrary matrix A as follows:
0 A
A T 0
Here 0 stands for an nn matrix composed of zero values, A is the original matrix,
and A T stands for the transpose of matrix A. 1 Note that the resulting matrix is now
symmetric. We can convert matrix B to a symmetric matrix in a similar manner.
If symmetric matrices could be multiplied “quickly” (in particular, if they could
be multiplied together in (n 2 ) time), then we could find the result of multiplying
two arbitrary nn matrices in (n 2 ) time by taking advantage of the following
0 A
A T 0
In the above formula, AB is the result of multiplying matrices A and B together.
Hard Problems
There are several ways that a problem could be considered hard. For example, we
might have trouble understanding the definition of the problem itself. At the be-
ginning of a large data collection and analysis project, developers and their clients
might have only a hazy notion of what their goals actually are, and need to work
that out over time. For other types of problems, we might have trouble finding or
understanding an algorithm to solve the problem. Understanding spoken English
1 The transpose operation takes positionijof the original matrix and places it in positionjiof the
transpose matrix. This can easily be done inn 2 time for annnmatrix.
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