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14.14 For the following recurrence, give a closed-form solution. You should not
give an exact solution, but only an asymptotic solution (i.e., using nota-
tion). You may assume that n is a power of 2. Prove that your answer is
T(n) = T(n=2) + p n for n > 1;
T(1) = 1:
14.15 Using the technique of expanding the recurrence, find the exact closed-form
solution for the recurrence relation
T(n) = 2T(n=2) + n;
T(2) = 2:
You may assume that n is a power of 2.
14.16 Section 5.5 provides an asymptotic analysis for the worst-case cost of func-
tion buildHeap . Give an exact worst-case analysis for buildHeap .
14.17 For each of the following recurrences, find and then prove (using induction)
an exact closed-form solution. When convenient, you may assume that n is
a power of 2.
(a) T(n) = T(n 1) + n=2 for n > 1; T(1) = 1:
(b) T(n) = 2T(n=2) + n for n > 2; T(2) = 2:
14.18 Use Theorem 14.1 to prove that binary search requires (log n) time.
14.19 Recall that when a hash table gets to be more than about one half full, its
performance quickly degrades. One solution to this problem is to reinsert
all elements of the hash table into a new hash table that is twice as large.
Assuming that the (expected) average case cost to insert into a hash table is
(1), prove that the average cost to insert is still (1) when this re-insertion
policy is used.
14.20 Given a 2-3 tree with N nodes, prove that inserting M additional nodes re-
quires O(M + N) node splits.
14.21 One approach to implementing an array-based list where the list size is un-
known is to let the array grow and shrink. This is known as a dynamic array.
When necessary, we can grow or shrink the array by copying the array's con-
tents to a new array. If we are careful about the size of the new array, this
copy operation can be done rarely enough so as not to affect the amortized
cost of the operations.
(a) What is the amortized cost of inserting elements into the list if the array
is initially of size 1 and we double the array size whenever the number
of elements that we wish to store exceeds the size of the array? Assume
that the insert itself cost O(1) time per operation and so we are just
concerned with minimizing the copy time to the new array.
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