Java Reference
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Other Spatial Data Structures
This section has barely scratched the surface of the field of spatial data structures.
Dozens of distinct spatial data structures have been invented, many with variations
and alternate implementations. Spatial data structures exist for storing many forms
of spatial data other than points. The most important distinctions between are the
tree structure (binary or not, regular decompositions or not) and the decomposition
rule used to decide when the data contained within a region is so complex that the
region must be subdivided.
One such spatial data structure is the Region Quadtree for storing images where
the pixel values tend to be blocky, such as a map of the countries of the world.
The region quadtree uses a four-way regular decomposition scheme similar to the
PR quadtree. The decomposition rule is simply to divide any node containing pixels
of more than one color or value.
Spatial data structures can also be used to store line object, rectangle object,
or objects of arbitrary shape (such as polygons in two dimensions or polyhedra in
three dimensions). A simple, yet effective, data structure for storing rectangles or
arbitrary polygonal shapes can be derived from the PR quadtree. Pick a threshold
value c, and subdivide any region into four quadrants if it contains more than c
objects. A special case must be dealt with when more than c object intersect.
Some of the most interesting developments in spatial data structures have to
do with adapting them for disk-based applications. However, all such disk-based
implementations boil down to storing the spatial data structure within some variant
on either B-trees or hashing.
Further Reading
PATRICIA tries and other trie implementations are discussed in Information Re-
trieval: Data Structures & Algorithms, Frakes and Baeza-Yates, eds. [FBY92].
See Knuth [Knu97] for a discussion of the AVL tree. For further reading on
splay trees, see “Self-adjusting Binary Search” by Sleator and Tarjan [ST85].
The world of spatial data structures is rich and rapidly evolving. For a good
introduction, see Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures by
Hanan Samet [Sam06]. This is also the best reference for more information on
the PR quadtree. The k-d tree was invented by John Louis Bentley. For further
information on the k-d tree, in addition to [Sam06], see [Ben75]. For information
on using a quadtree to store arbitrary polygonal objects, see [SH92].
For a discussion on the relative space requirements for two-way versus multi-
way branching, see “A Generalized Comparison of Quadtree and Bintree Storage
Requirements” by Shaffer, Juvvadi, and Heath [SJH93].
Closely related to spatial data structures are data structures for storing multi-
dimensional data (which might not necessarily be spatial in nature).
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