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9.2 Implement the three self-organizing list heuristics count, move-to-front, and
transpose. Compare the cost for running the three heuristics on various input
data. The cost metric should be the total number of comparisons required
when searching the list. It is important to compare the heuristics using input
data for which self-organizing lists are reasonable, that is, on frequency dis-
tributions that are uneven. One good approach is to read text files. The list
should store individual words in the text file. Begin with an empty list, as
was done for the text compression example of Section 9.2. Each time a word
is encountered in the text file, search for it in the self-organizing list. If the
word is found, reorder the list as appropriate. If the word is not in the list,
add it to the end of the list and then reorder as appropriate.
9.3 Implement the text compression system described in Section 9.2.
9.4 Implement a system for managing document retrieval. Your system should
have the ability to insert (abstract references to) documents into the system,
associate keywords with a given document, and to search for documents with
specified keywords.
9.5 Implement a database stored on disk using bucket hashing. Define records to
be 128 bytes long with a 4-byte key and 120 bytes of data. The remaining
4 bytes are available for you to store necessary information to support the
hash table. A bucket in the hash table will be 1024 bytes long, so each bucket
has space for 8 records. The hash table should consist of 27 buckets (total
space for 216 records with slots indexed by positions 0 to 215) followed by
the overflow bucket at record position 216 in the file. The hash function for
key value K should be K mod 213. (Note that this means the last three
slots in the table will not be home positions for any record.) The collision
resolution function should be linear probing with wrap-around within the
bucket. For example, if a record is hashed to slot 5, the collision resolution
process will attempt to insert the record into the table in the order 5, 6, 7, 0,
1, 2, 3, and finally 4. If a bucket is full, the record should be placed in the
overflow section at the end of the file.
Your hash table should implement the dictionary ADT of Section 4.4. When
you do your testing, assume that the system is meant to store about 100 or so
records at a time.
9.6 Implement the dictionary ADT of Section 4.4 by means of a hash table with
linear probing as the collision resolution policy. You might wish to begin
with the code of Figure 9.9. Using empirical simulation, determine the cost
of insert and delete as grows (i.e., reconstruct the dashed lines of Fig-
ure 9.10). Then, repeat the experiment using quadratic probing and pseudo-
random probing. What can you say about the relative performance of these
three collision resolution policies?
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