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7.18 Which of the following operations are best implemented by first sorting the
list of numbers? For each operation, briefly describe an algorithm to imple-
ment it, and state the algorithm's asymptotic complexity.
(a) Find the minimum value.
(b) Find the maximum value.
(c) Compute the arithmetic mean.
(d) Find the median (i.e., the middle value).
(e) Find the mode (i.e., the value that appears the most times).
7.19 Consider a recursive Mergesort implementation that calls Insertion Sort on
sublists smaller than some threshold. If there are n calls to Mergesort, how
many calls will there be to Insertion Sort? Why?
7.20 Implement Mergesort for the case where the input is a linked list.
7.21 Counting sort (assuming the input key values are integers in the range 0 to
m 1) works by counting the number of records with each key value in the
first pass, and then uses this information to place the records in order in a
second pass. Write an implementation of counting sort (see the implementa-
tion of radix sort for some ideas). What can we say about the relative values
of m and n for this to be effective? If m < n, what is the running time of
this algorithm?
7.22 Use an argument similar to that given in Section 7.9 to prove that log n is a
worst-case lower bound for the problem of searching for a given value in a
sorted array containing n elements.
7.23 A simpler way to do the Quicksort partition step is to set index split
to the position of the first value greater than the pivot. Then from posi-
tion split+1 have another index curr move to the right until it finds a
value less than a pivot. Swap the values at split and next , and incre-
ment split . Continue in this way, swapping the smaller values to the left
side. When curr reaches the end of the subarray, split will be at the split
point between the two partitions. Unfortunately, this approach requires more
swaps than does the version presented in Section 7.5, resulting in a slower
implementation. Give an example and explain why.
7.1 One possible improvement for Bubble Sort would be to add a flag variable
and a test that determines if an exchange was made during the current iter-
ation. If no exchange was made, then the list is sorted and so the algorithm
can stop early. This makes the best case performance become O(n) (because
if the list is already sorted, then no iterations will take place on the first pass,
and the sort will stop right there).
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