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algorithm to modify the key values such that every modified key value is
unique, the resulting key values give the same sort order as the original keys,
the result is stable (in that the duplicate original key values remain in their
original order), and the process of altering the keys is done in linear time
using only a constant amount of additional space.
7.8 The discussion of Quicksort in Section 7.5 described using a stack instead of
recursion to reduce the number of function calls made.
(a) How deep can the stack get in the worst case?
(b) Quicksort makes two recursive calls. The algorithm could be changed
to make these two calls in a specific order. In what order should the
two calls be made, and how does this affect how deep the stack can
7.9 Give a permutation for the values 0 through 7 that will cause Quicksort (as
implemented in Section 7.5) to have its worst case behavior.
7.10 Assume L is an array, L.length() returns the number of records in the
array, and qsort(L,i,j) sorts the records of L from i to j (leaving
the records sorted in L ) using the Quicksort algorithm. What is the average-
case time complexity for each of the following code fragments?
(a) for(i=0;i<L.length;i++)
(b) for(i=0;i<L.length;i++)
7.11 Modify Quicksort to find the smallest k values in an array of records. Your
output should be the array modified so that the k smallest values are sorted
in the first k positions of the array. Your algorithm should do the minimum
amount of work necessary, that is, no more of the array than necessary should
be sorted.
7.12 Modify Quicksort to sort a sequence of variable-length strings stored one
after the other in a character array, with a second array (storing pointers to
strings) used to index the strings. Your function should modify the index
array so that the first pointer points to the beginning of the lowest valued
string, and so on.
7.13 Graph f 1 (n) = n log n, f 2 (n) = n 1:5 , and f 3 (n) = n 2 in the range 1 n
1000 to visually compare their growth rates. Typically, the constant factor
in the running-time expression for an implementation of Insertion Sort will
be less than the constant factors for Shellsort or Quicksort. How many times
greater can the constant factor be for Shellsort to be faster than Insertion Sort
when n = 1000? How many times greater can the constant factor be for
Quicksort to be faster than Insertion Sort when n = 1000?
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