Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Quicksort is aptly named because, when properly implemented, it is the fastest
known general-purpose in-memory sorting algorithm in the average case. It does
not require the extra array needed by Mergesort, so it is space efficient as well.
Quicksort is widely used, and is typically the algorithm implemented in a library
sort routine such as the UNIX qsort function. Interestingly, Quicksort is ham-
pered by exceedingly poor worst-case performance, thus making it inappropriate
for certain applications.
Before we get to Quicksort, consider for a moment the practicality of using a
Binary Search Tree for sorting. You could insert all of the values to be sorted into
the BST one by one, then traverse the completed tree using an inorder traversal.
The output would form a sorted list. This approach has a number of drawbacks,
including the extra space required by BST pointers and the amount of time required
to insert nodes into the tree. However, this method introduces some interesting
ideas. First, the root of the BST (i.e., the first node inserted) splits the list into two
sublists: The left subtree contains those values in the list less than the root value
while the right subtree contains those values in the list greater than or equal to the
root value. Thus, the BST implicitly implements a “divide and conquer” approach
to sorting the left and right subtrees. Quicksort implements this concept in a much
more efficient way.
Quicksort first selects a value called the pivot. (This is conceptually like the
root node's value in the BST.) Assume that the input array contains k values less
than the pivot. The records are then rearranged in such a way that the k values
less than the pivot are placed in the first, or leftmost, k positions in the array, and
the values greater than or equal to the pivot are placed in the last, or rightmost,
nk positions. This is called a partition of the array. The values placed in a given
partition need not (and typically will not) be sorted with respect to each other. All
that is required is that all values end up in the correct partition. The pivot value itself
is placed in position k. Quicksort then proceeds to sort the resulting subarrays now
on either side of the pivot, one of size k and the other of size nk 1. How are
these values sorted? Because Quicksort is such a good algorithm, using Quicksort
on the subarrays would be appropriate.
Unlike some of the sorts that we have seen earlier in this chapter, Quicksort
might not seem very “natural” in that it is not an approach that a person is likely to
use to sort real objects. But it should not be too surprising that a really efficient sort
for huge numbers of abstract objects on a computer would be rather different from
our experiences with sorting a relatively few physical objects.
The Java code for Quicksort is shown in Figure 7.11. Parameters i and j define
the left and right indices, respectively, for the subarray being sorted. The initial call
to Quicksort would be qsort(array,0,n-1) .
Function partition will move records to the appropriate partition and then
return k , the first position in the right partition. Note that the pivot value is initially
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