Java Reference
In-Depth Information
/ ** GeneralTreeclassimplementationforUNION/FIND * /
privateInteger[]array; //Nodearray
array=newInteger[size]; //Createnodearray
/ ** Determineifnodesareindifferenttrees * /
Integerroot1=FIND(a); //Findrootofnodea
Integerroot2=FIND(b); //Findrootofnodeb
returnroot1!=root2; //Compareroots
/ ** Mergetwosubtrees * /
Integerroot1=FIND(a); //Findrootofnodea
Integerroot2=FIND(b); //Findrootofnodeb
/ ** @returnTherootofcurr'stree * /
Figure6.4 General tree implementation using parent pointers for the UNION/
FIND algorithm.
is given two new methods, differ and UNION . Method differ checks if two
objects are in different sets, and method UNION merges two sets together. A private
method FIND is used to find the ultimate root for an object.
An application using the UNION/FIND operations should store a set of n ob-
jects, where each object is assigned a unique index in the range 0 to n 1. The
indices refer to the corresponding parent pointers in the array. Class ParPtrTree
creates and initializes the UNION/FIND array, and methods differ and UNION
take array indices as inputs.
Figure 6.5 illustrates the parent pointer implementation. Note that the nodes
can appear in any order within the array, and the array can store up to n separate
trees. For example, Figure 6.5 shows two trees stored in the same array. Thus,
a single array can store a collection of items distributed among an arbitrary (and
changing) number of disjoint subsets.
Consider the problem of assigning the members of a set to disjoint subsets
called equivalence classes. Recall from Section 2.1 that an equivalence relation is
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