Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
NOTE A spinlock is a lightweight locking mechanism where access to a resource
is expected to be held for a very short time. Rather than yielding the processor
when the lock request is unsuccessful, a spinlock will loop and periodically check
to see if access is available. You can read more about spinlocks in Chapter 7.
Familiarizing Yourself with the RML Utilities Reports
Having looked at the available reports for the non-Proi ler-related data, this section examines the
reports available for the SQL Trace data that was imported into the SQL Nexus database. The SQL
Trace data, as mentioned earlier in this chapter, is imported by the ReadTrace executable. There are
a set of reports which are available within SQL Nexus when RML Utilities is installed under the
report heading ReadTrace_Main report.
NOTE If you are unable see the ReadTrace_Main report after installing RML
Utilities, then follow the second step mentioned in Issue #1 in the section
“Resolving Common Issues,” later in this chapter.
The ReadTrace_Main report gives you an aggregated view of the different batches that were
executed during the SQL Trace collection along with a line graph which shows the changes in
duration, CPU usage, reads, and writes for all the batches that were captured in the SQL Trace i les
as shown in Figure 12-14.
FIGURE 12-14
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