Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
aft: at or near the back of a boat or a ship
almanac: a book of positions of celestial bodies used for nautical navigation
aloft: above or near the top of a boat or a ship
alternator: a mechanical device used to charge batteries
amidship: in the middle of a boat or a ship
anchor rode: a combination of chain and rope attaching an anchor to a boat or a ship
anchor warp: a rope attached to or used as an anchor
astern : at or near the back of a boat or a ship or going backwards
balustrade : a safety rail, usually of decorative wood on the back of a boat
barometer : a sensitive instrument for measuring changes in atmospheric pressure (weather)
bayonet light bulb : a light bulb with two little pins on either side of a metal end
beam : a side or a middle of a boat
beating to windward : a boat sailing as close into the wind as it is able to
bougainvillea: a thorny plant, usually bright red or orange, found in hot, tropical places
belay : to tie up or make fast to
bent/bend on : the act of attaching a sail to a mast
bilge keels : small separate keels situated on either side of main keel
bilges : the lowest point under the floors of a boat where water usually collects
biltong : Afrikaans a dried meat or jerky
bimini : a small sun awning arrangement used in the cockpit of boats
bitter end : the opposite end of a rope attached to an anchor, usually secured
block : a pulley used for various ropes placed around a boat to ease the weight of a load by
bobstay : a cable or chain connected to the end of a bowsprit to the bow of a boat
bollard : a mooring pillar for tying up a boat or a ship
bonito : a type of fish
boom : a wooden or aluminum pole coming horizontally off the mast which is used for main-
sail control
bosun's chair : a canvas or wooden seat used to go up to the top of a mast
bow : the front end of a boat
bowsprit : the pole in front of the bow used for increased sail area or a sail more forward of
the mast
bulkhead : a wall inside the cabin of a boat
bunting : small triangular flags flying on top of masts which are usually associated with
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