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“Well, what are we supposed to do?” I argued back. “I know this sucks, but if we get caught
leaving the boat we could get into major trouble. They might even impound the boat!”
“Oh rubbish! Trouble shmubble, we'll wait for a few hours then quietly row ashore. It's not
as though they are sitting there watching us for God's sake.”
We looked about with the binoculars and saw the clubhouse. Several yachties were sitting
around on the deck outside; kids ran around yelling and having fun. Dinghies were coming
and going. It was a normal fun sailing club, a long weekend, and we were supposed to stay
on-board during all of this? Just then we spied a lone figure in a rubber dinghy heading
towards us.
We recognized Dave's thin ,upright frame immediately as he sped towards Déjà vu.
“Hey! It's the African twins!” he greeted us cheerfully. “I just overheard your conversation
with the port guys, that's too bad, hey?”
“We are damned if we are going to stay on-board the whole long weekend!” said Gavin, all
fired up and delighted to see Dave, as I was too.
“Just don't get caught now you guys, this isn't Tonga you know. I think if you are cool
about it and don't tear up the town you'd most likely get away with it. Hey, have you heard
about the abandoned hotel on the south side of the bay? Apparently it has a really cool an-
chorage there. Arlene and I are headed out there in the next day or so.” He grinned and
waved, speeding off in a cloud of white exhaust fumes and a high rooster tail.
We decided to head ashore and remain within the confines of the club. That way we were
not breaking the law too badly. Besides, it all seemed to be happening there at the club, and
we could explore the town later in the week.
With hearts in our mouths we snuck quietly ashore, rowing through the most congested
part of the anchorage and ensuring that Déjà vu was between us and the customs office all
the time. Just as we were alighting at the friendly, little floating dinghy platform, a large,
elderly, dark skinned man approached us in white flannels and blazer. His dark bald head
shone brightly in the sun. He looked sternly at us with dark black eyes and hooked nose.
“You guys just arrived?” he enquired, his face like a stone, as he gazed back at Déjà vu.
My heart sank, and I saw Gavin's jaw drop as he turned instantly white.
“Yes,” I said cautiously, guiltily like a schoolboy caught, waiting for him to inform us that
we were under arrest.
“Did you clear in?” he continued impassively.
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