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Later that morning, as we were cleaning the boat, Penny came racing over in her dinghy. I
was quite amazed at the high speed at which she traveled; I wasn't aware that a little out-
board engine could propel a dinghy that fast, albeit an inflatable dinghy. Secondly, there is
an unwritten law between cruisers and boat owners not to create big wake waves, as they
rock the boats in the neighborhood, sometimes with disastrous results. (One can imagine
boiling hot water on stoves, cups of scalding hot chocolate in bed, threading a fish hook,
etc.) Her actions thus alerted me to her rebellious nature. In a way I was drawn to that part
of human nature: question authority! Who makes the rules anyway? Well, there are some
good and some bad ones, that's for sure. I felt rather rebellious at times too and wanted
nothing to do with society. It all seemed so top heavy and sluggish. Its inertia, I eventually
decided, was its saving grace. Fringe radicals like myself and others had to grit our teeth,
bide our time, and figure out where we fit in, or how to survive and be happy whilst not
fitting in.
As Penny niftily pulled up alongside I pretended to throw a bucket of water at her; there
were a few drops of salt water at the bottom, and they sailed harmlessly in front of her!
“Hey! That was a lucky miss!”
“Lucky for you I didn't have a whole bucket!” I chuckled, “To what do we owe the pleas-
Gavin leaned over and started to tie her hand onto the rail with the tail of the jib sheet. She
boldly let him finish his knot, much to his delight, and then she said in a soft voice, “Now,
what are you going to do with me?” I grinned with pleasure at Gavin's embarrassed look.
“I might have to spank you for speeding!”
“Go ahead then,” she said provocatively, flicking a wisp of straight, blonde hair out of her
sparkling blue eyes.
“Well, seeing it was the first time, I'll let you off with a warning,” triumphed Gavin. “But
next time I won't.”
“My folks have suggested having a yachty barbecue tonight on the beach, should be fun.”
“Yes, that's a nice idea; it's been rather boring here lately.”
“I'll invite all the boats and just see who comes,” continued Penny, enthusiastically.
I volunteered Déjà vu's crew, “We'll organize the fire; I'll get some wood also for a bonfire
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